That’s it for another season, congratulations to Mullen who came second and wins the twenty English pounds that Chalky donated for that achievement. As for the rest of us, we gave it a shot and the only reward we get is knowing that we get a chance to come back and try again.

We’ll pick this up in August then, so have a great Summer. And thanks for playing; there wouldn’t be a competition without you.

Mullen - please sent me your bank details in a DM and I’ll get the money over to you.

1 Howoldboy…………….…(4) 183
2 Mullen………………………(3) 165
3 Blackdogblue……………(2) 153
4 Kel……………………….……(3) 149
5= Griff….…………………….(3) 146
5= Davee……………………..(4) 146
5= Pete………………………..(8) 146
8 Southblue………………….(2) 144
9 NZBlue………………….…..(4) 133
10 Nobby…….…………….(dne) 129
11 Alf……………………………..(1) 125
12 Crusha……..………….(dne) 124
13 Cayambe……………….…(3) 113
14 Frank……………………..(dne) 98
15 Chalky…………………….….(0) 82