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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    re: FAO KEMPO

    This post is going to come across as hypocritical and strange, but I'm going to post it, and I want to state before I do, I am as much to blame as the others.

    I'll put it in bullet points

    . Grown men, I'm guessing most of us are In our late thirties, forties, fifties.

    . Arguing on the internet over complete petty shyte on a forum dedicated to Rotherham United.

    . Most of us are married, with children.

    . We are all acting like petty stupid toohats throwing insults over a public forum, where we all know we are protected via anonymity

    . We act like spoilt brats when someone disagrees with us.

    In conclusion lads, (I'm at fault here too) we need to get a hobby, and grow up. (I am speaking for likes of me,kempo, etc not for everyone on this board who has an ounce of normality.



  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    re: FAO KEMPO


    Who is the RUFC legend?

    I have no aggression towards you. I think in trying to defend your friend, you are twisting things. That's fine, loyalty is a good thing. Blind loyalty and lying in order to be loyal is not a good thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zilzal
    especially since Mudslinger General Ellis started flexing his puny muscles (are they puny, Ellis? Come over and show me sometime).
    I think it is clear there that Zilzal is offering me a fight. Were I the kind of saddo to try fighting people from an internet forum, I would have offered to meet up with him for a fight. Which I am quite sure is the reaction he wanted.

    "you made some very ageist comments and insulted him"

    I did, quite right. You see, I'm not the kind of guy to take bullying lying down. This all started when Zilzal thought he could bully and belittle me. He started going around constantly calling me, what was it, Ellis_D Minor? So was that a dig at my age, my intellect or my social st

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    re: FAO KEMPO

    I don't know you personally and I told you give it a rest a while ago when you were putting the Islam stuff up I`m asking you to give this one a rest also let it go.

    Before anyone gets my profile wrong I don't kiss backsides to get in anyone`s good books never have never will,I have a good circle of friends well away from this site.
    Just move on.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    re: FAO KEMPO

    It's so easy for me to make enemies any more it's sickening. People are looking for an excuse to jump on my sh!tlist. Sticking their noses in sh!t that isn't none of their business, I never asked, cared, gave a fack, or wanted opinions.

    Now I'm in the position that, I don't want to be in - sh!t. I never had no beef with those corny son of a b!tches. But now the sh!t is broke and you can't do nothing to fix it.

    So I'm telling you right now - mother F**K Kempo and Zilzal. Now I'ma be real, Brin was real. He ain't say sh!t the whole time me and Roly was beefing;
    see he chilled. He was cool with the whole situation and kept it neutral. I'd have never involved other forumers if it wasn't for Kempo. Dr Pokem, whatever your backpacking, ciphering is.

    Had I not opened the forum and seen what you saying, I'da never involved you, but you had to add your two pennies. Now I gotta go grab my sh!tlist and add some new enemies. Hit the forum and I'll admit, I had a few beers in me. Fack it, I

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    re: FAO KEMPO

    Now I don't ask nobody to share my beliefs, to be involved in my beefs. I'm a man, I can stand on my feet. So if you don't wanna be in 'em all I ask is that you don't open your mouth with an opinion
    and I won't put you in 'em.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: FAO KEMPO

    Sorry Ellis...if your post above is directed at me then I cannot understand a single word of it.

    Are you ok?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    re: FAO KEMPO

    Quote Originally Posted by kempo
    Sorry Ellis...if your post above is directed at me then I cannot understand a single word of it.
    I often feel the same way about your mate Zilzals posts, even in this very thread!

    Boring old gits.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: FAO KEMPO

    Michael, you have my explanation and my apology on another thread.

    So why persist in feuding?

    P.S. I also thought you were above ageism? And why deliberately read someone you feel is boring? Isn't that a case of punishing yourself needlessly?

    P.P.S. The dc part of your username. It does stand for "decent chap", yes? Please don't disappoint me on this, if no other, point.

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