The Labour bloke knocked earlier today for the first time in 5 years...surprise surprise! He asked me if I would put a "I support Labour" poster in my window. I politely pointed to the window in question, where there is already a poster of my own, saying that I think all POLITICIANS ARE UNSCRUPULOUS and SHOULD NOT KNOCK on my door!!!

He seemed unperturbed (or more probably... is THICK) and continued to spout his diarrhoeaic drivel of lies, perversion and tarradiddle. I politely told him where to stick his poster and told him to go forth as I slammed the door shut in his face!

Do I like labour? - NO
Do I like Conservatives? - NO
Do I like any politicians - NO (unless the local candidate is 25 years old with big tits and has the looks of Goddess, in which case I might invite her in for a bit)

Anyway, that was the first one dispatched...bring on the rest of the lying deceitful barstewards!!

Come on...knock at the door you tossers!