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Thread: IS kill Christians

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    re: IS kill Christians

    Blimey Afghan, for someone who began by not wanting a 'verbal slanging match' you're certainly going about having one. Thought my point was reasonably made but if it's just going to lead to the usual mindless and irrelevant 'you lefties, what would you do without us, Corbyn's a tool because he doesn't wear a suit' response...forget it.

    Alf...we've all got parents, grandparents, family members who served and possibly suffered during the World Wars, I know I have but so what...and I doubt any supposedly 'secret' moves that were taught in the forties remain secret today anyway.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    re: IS kill Christians

    I just think very little respect is given to those, who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and it riles me.

    If you think Im being harsh, I apologise, but it is time for people to wake up and smell the coffee. IS are never going to play nicely.

    Would you fight on these shores if asked to do so? I just think there are plenty that wouldn't step up if required, all to happy to mud sling. You may or you may not, I have no idea and I dont want to know the answer either.

    In an ideal angelic world there would be no need for the military. However, there is very much a need and mark my words NI 2 is visiting ta street very near you with in the next 20 years if not much sooner. I guess those mercenaires will be more welcomed then?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by AnagRam
    Blimey Afghan, for someone who began by not wanting a 'verbal slanging match' you're certainly going about having one. Thought my point was reasonably made but if it's just going to lead to the usual mindless and irrelevant 'you lefties, what would you do without us, Corbyn's a tool because he doesn't wear a suit' response...forget it.
    Anag, I think you should give Afgan some respect, unless you have served in the forces on active service you cannot imagine the stress it can put on you.

    A point in question is that of Sgt Alex Blackman Royal Marines who now is interned in a Wiltshire prison, after seeing several of his comrades killed he shot a fatally wounded taliban, he is now serving time.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by AfghanRam
    I just think very little respect is given to those, who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and it riles me.

    If you think Im being harsh, I apologise, but ir is time for people to wake up and smell the coffee. IS are never going to play nicely.
    Frankly I couldn't give a stuff how 'harsh' you're being...I just want 'reasonable' debate. No one on here has shown disrespect for the vast majority of soldiers in fact most have spoken of how sad it is that our, largely young people, are 'used' by politicians in this way.
    IS are scum, completely agree, but they are not reflective of most Muslim thought anymore then the IR A was reflective of Catholic philosophy. Personally I think we'd be better off without any organised religion at all but my point is...the extremism that IS stands for has been largely born out of two things...the injustice that is synonymous with poverty in those regions of the World and poorly targeted an

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by AfghanRam
    IS want to erase all othe religions from the face of the earth. That is phuck all to do with ****q or Afghan!!!!!!

    Ive been retired now for 2 1/2 years yet you still bang on about it. Good to see your pension allows you a good standard of secondhand clothes.
    ISIS only came in to being when we interfered in the tribal structure in their area and created a vacuum. I doubt whether they could erase all other religions of the Earth, even the Jesuit Missionaries could not achieve that.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by claw84
    Blimey Afghan, for someone who began by not wanting a 'verbal slanging match' you're certainly going about having one. Thought my point was reasonably made but if it's just going to lead to the usual mindless and irrelevant 'you lefties, what would you do without us, Corbyn's a tool because he doesn't wear a suit' response...forget it.
    Anag, I think you should give Afgan some respect, unless you have served in the forces on active service you cannot imagine the stress it can put on you.

    A point in question is that of Sgt Alex Blackman Royal Marines who now is interned in a Wiltshire prison, after seeing several of his comrades killed he shot a fatally wounded taliban, he is now serving time.[/quote]

    Claw, when have I not shown Afghan respect and when has society not shown soldiers respect...'Help for Heroes', Poppy Day etc? I appreciate the stress that being on active service puts on peo

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by AnagRam
    I just think very little respect is given to those, who are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice and it riles me.

    If you think Im being harsh, I apologise, but ir is time for people to wake up and smell the coffee. IS are never going to play nicely.
    Frankly I couldn't give a stuff how 'harsh' you're being...I just want 'reasonable' debate. No one on here has shown disrespect for the vast majority of soldiers in fact most have spoken of how sad it is that our, largely young people, are 'used' by politicians in this way.
    IS are scum, completely agree, but they are not reflective of most Muslim thought anymore then the IR A was reflective of Catholic philosophy. Personally I think we'd be better off without any organised religion at all but my point is...the extremism that IS stands for has been partly born out of two things...the injustice that is synonymous with poverty in those re

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    re: IS kill Christians

    Quote Originally Posted by AnagRam
    Blimey Afghan, for someone who began by not wanting a 'verbal slanging match' you're certainly going about having one. Thought my point was reasonably made but if it's just going to lead to the usual mindless and irrelevant 'you lefties, what would you do without us, Corbyn's a tool because he doesn't wear a suit' response...forget it.
    Anag, I think you should give Afgan some respect, unless you have served in the forces on active service you cannot imagine the stress it can put on you.

    A point in question is that of Sgt Alex Blackman Royal Marines who now is interned in a Wiltshire prison, after seeing several of his comrades killed he shot a fatally wounded taliban, he is now serving time.[/quote]

    Claw, when have I not shown Afghan respect and when has society not shown soldiers respect...'Help for Heroes', Poppy Day etc? I appreciate the stres

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    re: IS kill Christians

    C'mon Afghan, you know there's good and bad in every profession and you probably know better than me that the 'bad apples' in the armed forces have done untold damage whether it be via wartime 'atrocities' or barrack room bullying. That's why I qualified my approval by referring to the 'majority'.

    Look back at the 'debate' and you'll find that Claw suggested I should show you more respect because of the stress brought about by the demands of 'active service'. I never felt as if I'd disrespected you in the first place. We don't entirely agree and I know I can't claim your 'experience' but I don't think the armed forces have the 'monopoly' on stressful occupations although they might have it in terms of public sympathy.

    P.S. Seeing as you asked, my opinion on Choudry is the same as it is for all extremists, be they radical religious figures or members of the BN P/NF...they feed off each other and we'd all be a lot better of without any of them

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    re: IS kill Christians

    Some fair comments there, its easy to form an opinion of a profession without all the facts.

    One thing I will say though, after the firemans strikes on 02/03 many soldiers became firemen. Ill let you draw your on conclusions on that one ;-)

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