Quote Originally Posted by noahrab View Post
Dont think anyone says it's fantastic just that we don't have a viable credible alternative.

The SNP, when given the opportunity to convince the population last time, failed spectacularly to answer simple basic economic questions and only had the mantra 'trust us, it'll be ok. We're telling the truth, everyone else is lying.'

Didn't wash then and economically they are still floundering.

If they got on and governed like they were elected to do, proved we could do better with the extra economic levers we now have, Scotland and its people would be better served than this constant talk of neverendums which won't happen anytime soon.

Then and only then will they start to win the hearts and minds they require to make their dream a reality.

Blaming Westminster for every phuckin thing they can just grates on those they need to convince. The fact they and their supporters can't see that does them no good at all. Voters are bored of it.
Personally I think the economics are sound. The potential is there its really just a case of who you trust with the Levers of power. Westminster or the people who have Scotland's real interests at heart. Hey Noah I've just got my "National Survey through this morning would you fancy being my first interviewee ? would be happy to do it on here with you.