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Thread: O/T UK has first coal free day since the industrial revolution

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    O/T UK has first coal free day since the industrial revolution


    Funny how the Greens can wet themselves at this. Yet countries like India, China, USA are on the rise.
    The world’s three biggest carbon polluting nations – China, the U.S. and India – all saw their emissions jump. No other country came close in additional emissions.

    Indian emissions grew by 5.1%, Chinese emissions by 4.2% and the U.S. emissions by 2.9%.

    Even that great bastion of EU wonder laws Germany, are building more and more, while our energy costs go through the roof.
    I know this will wet Basies pants, but it really is ridiculous. The cut throat policies of the UK will do nothing to quell Co2 emissions.
    It's like our aid budget. We can't afford it, but we'll give it anyway.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post

    Funny how the Greens can wet themselves at this. Yet countries like India, China, USA are on the rise.
    The world’s three biggest carbon polluting nations – China, the U.S. and India – all saw their emissions jump. No other country came close in additional emissions.

    Indian emissions grew by 5.1%, Chinese emissions by 4.2% and the U.S. emissions by 2.9%.

    Even that great bastion of EU wonder laws Germany, are building more and more, while our energy costs go through the roof.
    I know this will wet Basies pants, but it really is ridiculous. The cut throat policies of the UK will do nothing to quell Co2 emissions.
    It's like our aid budget. We can't afford it, but we'll give it anyway.
    It would appear that it gives you greater pleasure if Britain were a dirty, polluting violent nation than one which is clean and peaceful. Before before I enter another coal argument with you please list all countries using coal instead of cherry picking a few.Coal has come a long way in respect of much cleaner burning technologies in many places including the EU since we wrote off four hundred years of coal supplies. Most Aid doesn't go for humanitarian needs. Instead it goes for infrastructure to get other countries natural resources more quickly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Excellent. Tit for tat riposte. You 2 go ahead and I'll play judge.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    It would appear that it gives you greater pleasure if Britain were a dirty, polluting violent nation than one which is clean and peaceful. Before before I enter another coal argument with you please list all countries using coal instead of cherry picking a few.Coal has come a long way in respect of much cleaner burning technologies in many places including the EU since we wrote off four hundred years of coal supplies. Most Aid doesn't go for humanitarian needs. Instead it goes for infrastructure to get other countries natural resources more quickly.
    I never said nothing of the sort. I am picking holes in your usual rhetoric, of it's all down to us.
    The emissions the UK emitted is a fraction of the big players. You suck the EU's cock, yet it's puppet master is building them at a frightening rate.
    This country sits on 400 years of reserves, yet jobs/lively hoods/communities were butchered to your satisfaction.
    My point is, even by your own argument, why isn't this country resurrecting coal power. You have just defended it.
    Countries most reliant on coal are -
    South Africa Poland Kazakhstan China Australia India Isreal Greece Czech Republic USA Germany.

    Divide that up by population and your star players are
    China 3500 million tonnes
    India 775
    USA 807
    Germany 245 expected to double by 2025

    25% of Europe has quit coal. Yet others are raising the stakes.
    Now defend what the original point was. Why are we making our costs ridiculous and holding back industry (Steel is a classic example), when the rest of the world needs holding to account, including your shining light EU.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    I never said nothing of the sort. I am picking holes in your usual rhetoric, of it's all down to us.
    The emissions the UK emitted is a fraction of the big players. You suck the EU's cock, yet it's puppet master is building them at a frightening rate.
    This country sits on 400 years of reserves, yet jobs/lively hoods/communities were butchered to your satisfaction.
    My point is, even by your own argument, why isn't this country resurrecting coal power. You have just defended it.
    Countries most reliant on coal are -
    South Africa Poland Kazakhstan China Australia India Isreal Greece Czech Republic USA Germany.

    Divide that up by population and your star players are
    China 3500 million tonnes
    India 775
    USA 807
    Germany 245 expected to double by 2025

    25% of Europe has quit coal. Yet others are raising the stakes.
    Now defend what the original point was. Why are we making our costs ridiculous and holding back industry (Steel is a classic example), when the rest of the world needs holding to account, including your shining light EU.

    Forgetting the USA which under Trump is destined to become a world major polluter again. As regards China and India, western companies including those in the Uk and the EU are responsible for this. It is where they relocate their manufacturing base to take advantage of cheap labour, less control of pollution and less human rights such as tighter control of unions which are non-existent. South Africa is reliant on some really dirty coal which is used to process uranium fuel rods for the Nuclear Industry resulting in the rods consuming more energy in their manufacture than they will ever generate when fully operational in the Nuclear Industry. As regards Germany I'm sure that they will use more efficient coal burning techniques such fluidized bed coal combustion which was starting to appear on the scene at the same time as we closed down our coal industry,

  6. #6
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie View Post
    Forgetting the USA which under Trump is destined to become a world major polluter again. As regards China and India, western companies including those in the Uk and the EU are responsible for this. It is where they relocate their manufacturing base to take advantage of cheap labour, less control of pollution and less human rights such as tighter control of unions which are non-existent. South Africa is reliant on some really dirty coal which is used to process uranium fuel rods for the Nuclear Industry resulting in the rods consuming more energy in their manufacture than they will ever generate when fully operational in the Nuclear Industry. As regards Germany I'm sure that they will use more efficient coal burning techniques such fluidized bed coal combustion which was starting to appear on the scene at the same time as we closed down our coal industry,
    So it's our fault then again?

    Cheap labour in China to burn more coal, yet we want China to build nuclear reactors here?
    South Africa reliant on coal? Cough- sunshine/wind?
    OK for Germany then, but not us?

    Your flaws get wider by the minute.
    Either you are a green Basie or you aint.

    So' I'll ask again. Why can we not use coal?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Copy and paste to NCM please!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    So it's our fault then again?

    Cheap labour in China to burn more coal, yet we want China to build nuclear reactors here?
    South Africa reliant on coal? Cough- sunshine/wind?
    OK for Germany then, but not us?

    Your flaws get wider by the minute.
    Either you are a green Basie or you aint.

    So' I'll ask again. Why can we not use coal?
    I would say myself that we could use coal but not now how we used it in the past. I can recall an embarrassing meeting in the Seventies in a Nottingham pub between Friends of the Earth and the NUM concerning the 70 per cent wasted energy lost through the cooling towers. The meeting fell apart in disarray when all these Tricky type characters accused us of threatening miners jobs. Just like Tricky as thick as planks everyone. You're even in denial that the West's including ours manufacturing base has been transferred to the Far East and the Asian Sub-Continent. This is what Trump is on about when he says he is going to restore USA industry. That means that companies like Peabody Coal will be able to mine once more the dirty coal prevalent in Nevada and pollute once more the Southern States which are only just recovering from the BP Horizon drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. No doubt Tricky will take exception to me mentioning BP and regard it as a further slur against Britain. The Multinational mining companies in South Africa do depend on the income derived from the Nuclear Fuel Cycle although you can be sure that the locals don't see much of it, just the hazards to health.
    Last edited by RedBasie; 22-04-2017 at 07:18 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by es***red52 View Post
    Copy and paste to NCM please!

    I'm sorry but this is the renaissance of Forest Footymad. Either embrace it and contribute or piss off.

    Why pick on Es***? If you want to insult me, that's fine. But I decide whether Es*** posts here or not.
    Last edited by Trickytreesreds; 22-04-2017 at 10:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'll piss off I think, I certainly won't embrace it!
    Enjoy talking crap Basie, if this rocks your boat then good luck to you.

    Es***, I get your point. But it was labelled off topic.
    I didn't go today, due to my visitor.

    If you want to start a thread on it, I'd be happy to participate.
    Please understand, you didn't have to read it. Now have a bacon butty and chill.
    Last edited by Trickytreesreds; 22-04-2017 at 10:14 PM.

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