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Thread: Tommy Lowery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Tommy Lowery

    Is it just me (I suspect not) or is this guy at 19 and 5ft nothing already an absolute ***** component to our side?
    As DA says: "He gets us playing!"
    Love him, UTA!

    The academy is alive and kicking, still a sound investment!
    Ask the Vale!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by somersetcrewe View Post
    Is it just me (I suspect not) or is this guy at 19 and 5ft nothing already an absolute ***** component to our side?
    As DA says: "He gets us playing!"
    Love him, UTA!

    The academy is alive and kicking, still a sound investment!
    Ask the Vale!
    I, personally, have never doubted the benefits of having the Academy. From what I can see, clubs in the lower leagues that don't have a thriving Academy are in danger of sinking into oblivion. I know there have been some, not many, who would downgrade or even dispense with our Academy but this would be a backward step. It is not always going to bring players of the calibre of Ashton or Powell and the days of us selling players for £3 million are probably a thing of the past. However, our team has been populated with players coming through the ranks for the better part of 30 years and that, as a policy, has proved extremely successful by saving us vast sums of money in wages by not having to do what Port Vale have done this season in signing 19 players who may or may not turn out to be good enough.
    Our signings have been very good since Dave Artell became manager but the best players at the club have come through the Academy in the form of Cooper, Lowery and Ainley. These players may not yield millions of £s but have indirectly made us money by not having to sign seasoned pros coming for the wrong reasons.

  3. #3
    Total admiration for the lad. Absolutely incredible how he has taken on the role of wanting the ball, not wasting it and driving us forwards. Grasped his chance with both hands and both feet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Someone with excellent ball control and an amazing 1st touch. The latter is something GC could learn from, not to mention his fearlessness in the tackle. This's a star in the making

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    These academy lads are now really coming to the forefront, something that was lacking pre-Artell. I really believe that it is the change in philosophy at the club since the new manager's arrival that has sparked the change in this direction. We seemed to lose too many rising starlets before they "came of age", so to speak. Now they are given game time, allowed the chance to develop and have experienced pros around them, in order to help them when this is required. All down to the inspiration of the Artell / Lunt partnership. What a difference they have made and it is now bearing fruit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by alexmick View Post
    These academy lads are now really coming to the forefront, something that was lacking pre-Artell. I really believe that it is the change in philosophy at the club since the new manager's arrival that has sparked the change in this direction. We seemed to lose too many rising starlets before they "came of age", so to speak. Now they are given game time, allowed the chance to develop and have experienced pros around them, in order to help them when this is required. All down to the inspiration of the Artell / Lunt partnership. What a difference they have made and it is now bearing fruit.
    To be honest Alexmick, I think it is less to do with the new manager and more to do with the fact that these youngsters have been in the pipeline for a couple of years and as they have grown and matured they have earned their opportunities. By definition the Academy will produce players every year. Not all will be good enough. Some will be good enough to get an opportunity to play in the first team and a very small number will look as good as Cooper and Lowery etc. Sadly there is no guarantee they will succeed and this is shown by the fact that our last major sale was Nick Powell and he has not been an unqualified success. Fine lines!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I agree with you Timothy. This batch was forecast to produce a few good ones.
    I can’t remember Dario’s exact words but he did say that SD was giving the youngsters more chance that he would have dared. It was prior to one of the Wembley visits
    We have Dale and Pickering coming through as well

    Not one to blow my own trumpet (lol) but I did say I thought last season that Lowery was worth a chance but as someone at the time pointed out he was injured

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    For me, above all else, what these youngsters give us is a succession plan - and continuity - from the bottom (U18s and 1st year pros) to management (look at Lunt, Bell, Morris, etc).
    Saves us having to completely rebuild every couple of years like other clubs have had to do - Yeovil since their rapid drop from the Championship, Vale this Summer and so on - so unlike them, we are not filled with a team of nobodies who don't know each other and need time to gel.

    Not seen much of Lowery live myself (next chance - Wycombe on 26th) but his composure on the ball is there for all to see. I didn't honestly think we would cope without Jones as well as we have. Beginning to wonder where Jones would fit in to be honest. I guess he would replace Wintle but DA really rates that guy.
    Tough call.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Agreed, Somerset, which takes me back to a post on another thread questioning the sense in taking the Everton lad on loan. If we can't get Jones on the park ahead of Walker and Wintle where does he fit in?

    Going back to the kids coming through I think Artell is in a similar place to Davis when he took over. He was blessed with Murphy, Westwood and Powell, with Clayton, Ajay, Mellor, Ray his son and others not far behind and, after initial success, blew it by not getting the right players around them and, in at least one case, totally undermining the confidence of the young players. Dave has Cooper, Jones and Ray as experienced first teasers, with and, Wintle, Lowery, Ainley and others coming through. For me he has already recruited better and, with King Kenny's support, looks a better bet to instil these lads with the sort of confidence required to have a good career.

    But I guess only time will tell - thank goodness for the Academy all the same.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Whilst praising the academy, thoroughly deserved I think a special mention must go to Raynes as he has added much needed steel to the defence. He won’t allow himself to be bullied and gives as good as he gets and more

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