Quote Originally Posted by gaz1959 View Post
We have now won five home games in 2017 (this season and last season) My son decided to start going for our last two home games last season. It's a good job he went away with me as until we beat you he had never seen us win at home as he missed the game we won and drew.

I thought we were the better team in that we battled more and showed more commitment and could easily of banged a couple in 1st half. Your Grant and Stead were your downfall IMO as they couldn't handle it and no doubt, like you, thought we would be a walkover given losing 0-5 to Luton. These two players were losing the plot and made for great entertainment at my end lol.

We eased off towards the end and you desperately tried to equalise but a lack of on target kicking and a brilliant tip over save from our number 2 keeper kept the score as it should of been - 1-0.

I thoroughly enjoyed the game due to the win - the antics of your two players and the banter from our fans.

If you'd had told me you were coming down I could of got you a beer and we could have watched the Gers.

Fans nearly always say "we didn't play well" when they lose.

Some Luton fans were on a Swindon forum arguing with me as I said neither team (Swindon or Luton) looked very good despite 0-5 to them. I left the convo last week but went back in on Saturday and pointed out the Vale 4-0 result lol Karma is wonderful.

In general this league is very poor in quality of football and it seems no team is standing out as top dogs. We beat Luton at theirs 3-0. We beat Port Vale at theirs 3-0.Both times we looked really good. Laz went to Crewe and said we looked really good when we beat them.
I conclude we or any team is only as good as the opposition allow and we were better on the days.
I would agree with that gaz,I'm glad that we have already played Swindon at home as they seem to be on some kind of good away run,I was at the game when Swindon came to Meadow Lane and I can't remember being that impressed with the Robins,without looking it up I think we won 1-0 by a scrappy penalty but it doesn't matter how you get the points as long as you get them, Stead played as he always does,it irritates a lot of fans btf but he does get a few decisions go his way,I don't know what Grant thought that he was playing at,he acted like a ten year old kid,a very poor performance by him,he's on loan from Forest but he's bagged 16 goals for us so far
All in all it could have been a better game and the 1-0 score was a fair one,I don't normally mention to other posters if I'm visiting their ground in case they feel obliged to meet up but thank you for the offer gaz,very generous of you