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Thread: Planning application at Oakwell agreed by BMBC

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    Cheers Ziles.

    That's her. Spitting image.
    Arr thats her , luks a bit diffrunt barta maroon kagool tho

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I reckon SB Izzard now

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    She'll know weer only jooakin.
    Shiz a good lass wi a sense of humour.
    It duz look like her tho. A bet tha ez a little smile next time tha sees her.
    I look like George Clooney but have come to accept it.
    George Clooney

  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    Al feyt thi forrer--Corner Pin, Setdi, 11-30pm.

    Cum to think onnit a wo wundering if a shud complain to the club abart her calling me "luv". Am sick and tired of just being seen as a *** object by women. To them I'm just a hunk of meat, a walking pen1s to have pleasure with. It's as if I have no brain or feelings. Ivvery time I walk past a beauty salon there are cat calls and sharts abart what they would like to do to me. You begin to lose all self respect as a person.

    (If anybody with IT skills could post an image of Eddie Izzard with his red lippy on I would be grateful)
    brings back memories on cutting floor at SR Gents.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    She'll know weer only jooakin.
    Shiz a good lass wi a sense of humour.
    It duz look like her tho. A bet tha ez a little smile next time tha sees her.
    I look like George Clooney but have come to accept it.

    Sure it's not this Clooney? [one for our more senior members]
    Red lipstick SB

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Sure it's not this Clooney? [one for our more senior members]
    Red lipstick SB

    That's me, using the name "Rosemary", when a used to meet wi the Doduth Ladyboys artside Shaw's Chipoyle on Station Rooad. Dave Shaw stopped us meeting artside his new place so wi ed to disband.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    That's me, using the name "Rosemary", when a used to meet wi the Doduth Ladyboys artside Shaw's Chipoyle on Station Rooad. Dave Shaw stopped us meeting artside his new place so wi ed to disband.

    Whatever floats your boat SB

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