Quote Originally Posted by robinrover View Post
Can I ask why you and the other idiot post on here?
Is it because of saxo????I don't buy that
Is it pure hatred of another football team?
If so that's very very sad and you both need to get out a lot more
Enjoy new Zealand and it's beauty
Don't waste your life posting your interesting view points on something not remotely linked to you.
You've got it in one. Everytime ***o comes on our board spouting sh.te I will come and do the same to you lot, I say lot but there are only 8 posters and three of those are Burnley having a laugh.
We had Rovers all over our board when we were in the depths your team are in now, so don't make out you lot are whiter than white.
As for getting out a bit more, it's a nice day so I'm off for a swim down at Orewa Beach then lunch at the pub. Enjoy the snow and the fantastic view across Blackburn, see you next time ***o rears his head.
Hope that covers all the points you raised.