Quote Originally Posted by tarquinbeech View Post
1:30 Vision Des Flos (e/w)......errrr...no 6th
2:10 Elegant Escape (e/w).......sneaked a 3rd place 1 quarter odds means you recouped the bets from 2 losing races....plus £10
2:50 Mount Mews......errrrr...no...10th...level
3:30 Altior......it won, but you were not going to back it at evens.....tough luck Snobbers....still level
4:10 The Last Samuri.......errrr no...3rd.....minus £10
4:50 Eragon De Chanay (e/w)......errrrr no....7th..minus £20
5:30 Blackbow......errrr no......5th....minus £30

Try and talk your way out of this one Snobbers....I will help you out......your missus confiscated your wallet so you could not spend the housekeeping money?

Do not follow this guys tips everybody.....complete charlatan....no idea on how betting works ie you are supposed to back the winner......mug punter....bookies love him

ps no idea if he backed £10 ew on race 2....it might have been £5 ew as he is saving up for his next Cuban holiday....I gave him the benefit of the doubt being the caring person that I am...mind you, if it was £10 ew, then he has lost another £20 on his other 2 losing ew bets?....mmmmm maybe he lost £50 on the day?......watch out for a thin, balding guy begging for coppers outside the Kop on saturday
So the bloke who accuses me of starting arguments and stalking him follows me on another Cheltenham prediction thread.
Does he make any Cheltenham predictions? No, he comes solely to have a dig at me, proving what a hypocrite he is.

Yes, I lost yesterday. I had more bets than the above, but only collected on Altior who I had a hefty bet on at 5/4, but it didn't cover my losses on the day. I'd guess my betting was about £40 down, and I spent a similar amount on beer and food. Did it spoil the day? Not in the slightest, I had one of the best days of my life as I always do on the middle Wednesday in March. I took a coachload of 50 people down, I only see most of them once a year but it was great to meet up again. I loved every minute from boarding the bus at 9am to getting off 12 hours later, a real laugh all day long and an atmosphere unrivalled anywhere. If the image of a thin (??) balding (??) penniless (??) guy makes you sleep happily at night, then stick with it by all means. I'll see if I can get a pic to show you the reality.
