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Thread: OT: Is Burglar Bill entitled to a shrine?

  1. #11
    Can’t disagree with any of the above comments, this person was scum and chose his lifestyle instead of going out and doing a proper days graft.
    The world will be a better place without these thiefs/scoundrels/scumbags

    And to think when Sid was a young un they could even leave their doors unlocked !

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by irish_pie View Post
    The filth got exactly what he deserved... he didn't bring the screwdriver with him to change the batteries in his torch... fair play to the guy for defending himself and his family...we had a case here where a traveler broke into the house of my neighbor who shot at him with his rifle and got him in the leg.... and guess what... my neighbor got dragged through the courts for it, had to pay a huge fine to the scumbag who was trying to rob him and only narrowly avoided jail time! you could not make it up
    I had a good friend and business colleague, Mick the Hat from Canning Circus, a mate of Rash the Smash Harkouk, owned several properties on Ilkeston Road and Bobbersmill......exactly the same thing happened, spotted 2 burglars robbing his warehouse, grabbed a knife from his can**** and stabbed one in the leg......the burglar bled to death at the Queens...... and Mick ended up in court charged with manslaughter....wtf?

    Sometimes the British Law is an ass....common sense beats Common Law every time

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by kill_the_drum View Post
    I accept there will be people mourning for him, but the shrine from what I’ve read is more to stir up a reaction. He isn’t a victim. The guy that defended his life is. He hasn’t returned to the house for fear of a revenge attack!
    What I detest is the assessment of ‘reasonable force’ in these cases.
    You’re woken at 3am by an unknown intruder potentially there to harm you and your family. It’s pitch black your adrenaline must be through the roof, and you’re supposed to be able to judge ‘reasonable.’
    The second you break into someone’s house, you should forefeit any human rights!
    Spot on

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Fecking typical .Always hard done by no matter what.You get pissed off hearing sayings like"he was a lovely boy,a great dad"etc.Scum of the earth & the legal system just pats them on the back.
    I'd go as far to say the Police would love to see Vigilante groups giving some good hidings on the quiet.
    Last edited by irishpete; 11-04-2018 at 05:54 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    I love the way some posters on here automatically assume that my left wing credentials mean I will sympathise with the burglar. Not so. I agree that building a shrine opposite the scene of the crime is provocative in the extreme. Taking the shrine apart was the correct action. Maybe there was no need to glory in it by crushing it to pieces though.
    The difference between the pensioner who stabbed Vincent to death and the guy Tarquin mentions is that Osborn-Clark didn't import a weapon to the scene of the crime which I believe puts the crime into another perspective.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    The difference between the pensioner who stabbed Vincent to death and the guy Tarquin mentions is that Osborn-Clark didn't import a weapon to the scene of the crime which I believe puts the crime into another perspective.
    But the pensioner didn't stab Vincent to death. Vincent died of a stab wound received a struggle.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    I love the way some posters on here automatically assume that my left wing credentials mean I will sympathise with the burglar. Not so. I agree that building a shrine opposite the scene of the crime is provocative in the extreme. Taking the shrine apart was the correct action. Maybe there was no need to glory in it by crushing it to pieces though.
    The difference between the pensioner who stabbed Vincent to death and the guy Tarquin mentions is that Osborn-Clark didn't import a weapon to the scene of the crime which I believe puts the crime into another perspective.
    This is the kind of story the Daily Mail thrives on. 'An Engishman's home is his castle, etc. The burglar was scum, a worthless person who should not be celebrated.'

    What utter tosh. At no point did you slate the Pi key for his actions. But felt the need for the above quote, having a go at the mail and right wingers.
    I think 99% of folks wouldn't have been needed to ask their feelings on this, as we would all have done the same thing.
    What would the Guardian have suggested? A firework display and memorial garden for a misunderstood minority? A setting up of a charity for criminal widows, with a poppy day?
    You do love your sly political threads Sidney, at least have the balls to admit it was your original intention. It is only the reaction of every post on this thread that has blown your game out of the water.
    Get a life FFS.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    This is the kind of story the Daily Mail thrives on. 'An Engishman's home is his castle, etc. The burglar was scum, a worthless person who should not be celebrated.'

    What utter tosh. At no point did you slate the Pi key for his actions. But felt the need for the above quote, having a go at the mail and right wingers.
    I think 99% of folks wouldn't have been needed to ask their feelings on this, as we would all have done the same thing.
    What would the Guardian have suggested? A firework display and memorial garden for a misunderstood minority? A setting up of a charity for criminal widows, with a poppy day?
    You do love your sly political threads Sidney, at least have the balls to admit it was your original intention. It is only the reaction of every post on this thread that has blown your game out of the water.
    Get a life FFS.
    You have just pulled Sids pants down and showed everyone his Arsenal !

  9. #19
    My Grandad was attacked by someone in his own home which was prominent in the media at the time. He overcame the intruder with fists plus kicks & tied him to a chair with a rope until the Police came.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by adlestropred View Post
    My Grandad was attacked by someone in his own home which was prominent in the media at the time. He overcame the intruder with fists plus kicks & tied him to a chair with a rope until the Police came.
    Your Grandad did very well, and even better for avoiding the temptation to take the trussed intruder to the nearest cliff or river edge and push him over.

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