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Thread: May 18th 2018 - I will never forget

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    May 18th 2018 - I will never forget

    Bit of a ramble but....

    It was all going so well. I was on holiday in Florida. I had a live stream set up so I could watch Notts beat Coventry and progress to the play off finals. Then I saw a perfectly good goal from Forte disallowed and we lost.

    30 minutes after the game ended I started to have pains in my chest. They spread to my shoulder down my arm and then to my jaw. Wife took me to the nearest hospital Emergency Room (20 minutes drive). Was seen immediately (and I mean immediately) and after 5 minutes of tests they told me I was a having a full blown heart attack. Lots of drugs later I was taken to ICU and stayed over the weekend. On the Monday (see, even their doctors don't work at weekends) I had an angiogram and they promised me a stent would keep the artery open and would sort me out.

    When I woke up doctor told me he couldn't do a stent as ALL my arteries were nearly all blocked. I was being transferred to another hospital for emergency heart bypass surgery. I was in a bit of a state of shock never having had high blood pressure, high cholesterol or anything at all for 30 odd years. Ate low fat, walked every day, never smoked etc.

    Had the bypass on May 25th and surgeon did 4 bypasses. Recovering from that op is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Eventually the airline (Virgin) and insurance let me travel home mid June. Now I have started quite a long road to recovery.

    I had already renewed my season ticket in the Pavis before I went on holiday. Wife thinks I'm mad to even consider going back as the stress of Notts obviously pushed me over the edge. But I have been watching Notts since 1970 and have seen many 'heart-stopping' moments over the years.

    Opening this up...should I risk it and return? Or stay away and listen to Radio Nottingham?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Of course, just learn to relax and enjoy life even after a loss. Let's face it, you were lucky that you got the right treatment at the right time so just smile and enjoy the moment, no point in getting stressed over football

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Just get in there, stay calm and you'll be pie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by calmpie View Post
    Bit of a ramble but....

    It was all going so well. I was on holiday in Florida. I had a live stream set up so I could watch Notts beat Coventry and progress to the play off finals. Then I saw a perfectly good goal from Forte disallowed and we lost.

    30 minutes after the game ended I started to have pains in my chest. They spread to my shoulder down my arm and then to my jaw. Wife took me to the nearest hospital Emergency Room (20 minutes drive). Was seen immediately (and I mean immediately) and after 5 minutes of tests they told me I was a having a full blown heart attack. Lots of drugs later I was taken to ICU and stayed over the weekend. On the Monday (see, even their doctors don't work at weekends) I had an angiogram and they promised me a stent would keep the artery open and would sort me out.

    When I woke up doctor told me he couldn't do a stent as ALL my arteries were nearly all blocked. I was being transferred to another hospital for emergency heart bypass surgery. I was in a bit of a state of shock never having had high blood pressure, high cholesterol or anything at all for 30 odd years. Ate low fat, walked every day, never smoked etc.

    Had the bypass on May 25th and surgeon did 4 bypasses. Recovering from that op is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Eventually the airline (Virgin) and insurance let me travel home mid June. Now I have started quite a long road to recovery.

    I had already renewed my season ticket in the Pavis before I went on holiday. Wife thinks I'm mad to even consider going back as the stress of Notts obviously pushed me over the edge. But I have been watching Notts since 1970 and have seen many 'heart-stopping' moments over the years.

    Opening this up...should I risk it and return? Or stay away and listen to Radio Nottingham?
    I'll probably never meet you calmpie ..... but all the best mate, you'll get there and I think you're being honest concerning your fears. I'm 80 in a month's time and just gone onto heart pills to allow the left sided valve to pump more blood around the body which has stopped the gasping for breath I used to get by even the most simple of movements like bending down or even getting in the car.

    I've been a ST holder at the 'Lane (Pavis stand) for years and in that time have lost many old friends. I don't intend to renew this year as last season I rarely attended as the climb to row 'P' (out of the rain) and going down became more difficult. So for me it will be Charlie's commentary this year unless I decide on the odd occasion to be ferried to the ground and have a hospitality day out. I'm not a medic so you can only go on specialist advice as to whether you go 'live' this year. You are quite correct how some games bring on the stress but I don't think we're on our own in this respect, it must happen to many.

    No fun in illness or getting old but it happens to us all unfortunately. All the best once again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by calmpie View Post
    Bit of a ramble but....

    It was all going so well. I was on holiday in Florida. I had a live stream set up so I could watch Notts beat Coventry and progress to the play off finals. Then I saw a perfectly good goal from Forte disallowed and we lost.

    30 minutes after the game ended I started to have pains in my chest. They spread to my shoulder down my arm and then to my jaw. Wife took me to the nearest hospital Emergency Room (20 minutes drive). Was seen immediately (and I mean immediately) and after 5 minutes of tests they told me I was a having a full blown heart attack. Lots of drugs later I was taken to ICU and stayed over the weekend. On the Monday (see, even their doctors don't work at weekends) I had an angiogram and they promised me a stent would keep the artery open and would sort me out.

    When I woke up doctor told me he couldn't do a stent as ALL my arteries were nearly all blocked. I was being transferred to another hospital for emergency heart bypass surgery. I was in a bit of a state of shock never having had high blood pressure, high cholesterol or anything at all for 30 odd years. Ate low fat, walked every day, never smoked etc.

    Had the bypass on May 25th and surgeon did 4 bypasses. Recovering from that op is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Eventually the airline (Virgin) and insurance let me travel home mid June. Now I have started quite a long road to recovery.

    I had already renewed my season ticket in the Pavis before I went on holiday. Wife thinks I'm mad to even consider going back as the stress of Notts obviously pushed me over the edge. But I have been watching Notts since 1970 and have seen many 'heart-stopping' moments over the years.

    Opening this up...should I risk it and return? Or stay away and listen to Radio Nottingham?
    Hoping you improve your health. Only you and the medics know what improves it. Go watch the pies but speak to a GP first eh.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Get down the Lane !! & here’s hoping for a full recovery for you 👍

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Agree with the sentiments of others Calmpie. Get yourself down the lane but remember when all said and done it's just football, yes following Notts can be a very stressful pastime but learn to accept we are what we are and just concentrate on enjoying the fresh air and time with friends. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Go live your life and live up to your name, Mr Calm. Of course, you need to keep supporting Notts. **** happens and you have to deal with it. Better to die living then live dying.
    How do I know these things? My date to remember was May 26th 2010 when I had a triple A on a Sunday afternoon. I was screwed because Scarboro hospital didn't do the required surgery so I was shipped by ambulance to Hull - 90 mins away. Shortly after arrival my bowel 'crashed' dumping the bacteria into my bloodstream. The surgeon told my wife I had a 5% survival chance. I then lost consciousness for 37 days. When I came round a hospital bug infected my heart and then my spine, reducing me to a wheelchair and back surgery. I am 3 inches shorter but going to the gym twice a week and playing walking football on a Wednesday. I cycle daily. My choice is LIVE and if it kills me in the end so what? Something has to take you.
    The NHS has been magnificent for me. So have my friends, They know what I've been through and they've provided the support, but most of all my wife & daughter have always been there.
    You can do it, Mr Calm, honest you can.

  9. #9
    I reckon that listening to a live radio commentary on a Notts match is more stressful than watching the game from inside the ground. I worry about what I can’t see and get concerned at every negative comment made by the presenters. When I wasn’t at the match, I used to listen to radio commentary via ifollow but don’t any more.

    Watching a Notts match inside the ground may be stressful, but the alternatives are worse. So for the sake of your health Mr Calmpie, I’d get down the Lane as often as possible.

    Best wishes....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by calmpie View Post
    Bit of a ramble but....

    It was all going so well. I was on holiday in Florida. I had a live stream set up so I could watch Notts beat Coventry and progress to the play off finals. Then I saw a perfectly good goal from Forte disallowed and we lost.

    30 minutes after the game ended I started to have pains in my chest. They spread to my shoulder down my arm and then to my jaw. Wife took me to the nearest hospital Emergency Room (20 minutes drive). Was seen immediately (and I mean immediately) and after 5 minutes of tests they told me I was a having a full blown heart attack. Lots of drugs later I was taken to ICU and stayed over the weekend. On the Monday (see, even their doctors don't work at weekends) I had an angiogram and they promised me a stent would keep the artery open and would sort me out.

    When I woke up doctor told me he couldn't do a stent as ALL my arteries were nearly all blocked. I was being transferred to another hospital for emergency heart bypass surgery. I was in a bit of a state of shock never having had high blood pressure, high cholesterol or anything at all for 30 odd years. Ate low fat, walked every day, never smoked etc.

    Had the bypass on May 25th and surgeon did 4 bypasses. Recovering from that op is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Eventually the airline (Virgin) and insurance let me travel home mid June. Now I have started quite a long road to recovery.

    I had already renewed my season ticket in the Pavis before I went on holiday. Wife thinks I'm mad to even consider going back as the stress of Notts obviously pushed me over the edge. But I have been watching Notts since 1970 and have seen many 'heart-stopping' moments over the years.

    Opening this up...should I risk it and return? Or stay away and listen to Radio Nottingham?
    You have to make hay while the sun shines and enjoy doing things you enjoy doing within reason. You have been given a second chance at life and not many people get that.

    Obviously in your case you need to be careful and take it easy.

    I’m currently below the age of 40 but at 25 I myself nearly lost my life due to complications of a serious illness. I was ill for six months and it taught me a lot especially at an age where you think you are invincible.

    These kind of things do change you and you learn to approach life with a bit more balance and tend to take things as they come.

    One thing I learned is it does not matter how old you are either you have to live life.

    So if you enjoy watching Notts and it makes you happy then I say go for it.

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