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Thread: Lazy Britons

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Lazy Britons

    Tricky you'll probably disagree here. However I don't disagree with your notion that foreigners who come to Britain and become benefit scroungers is a process that must end. But despite this, there is also a fair bit of people (I won't include you in this group), who while whining and screaming blue murder at the former group are no better themselves.
    Lazy, do not want to work, choosy, want the highest pay for the least effort. Don't want to make the effort to learn a skill or work hard and even take pride in their job. At the slightest, they'll be eager to join the welfare queue and get dosh so they can drink hard, buy the latest phones or clothes.
    And consider every foreigner a threat. Every non White English should **** off. Although I'll say there are others, non White Englishmen themselves, who also adopt the same attitude.

    Look at the Poles. They came here, worked hard, saved and returned and today Poland is growing and growing.
    Look at the Japanese, they consider it sinful if they don't do a good job. After the disaster of WWII, they worked their socks off, and within 20 years Japan was back as an industrial power. The same today with the Chinese and to a lesser extent Indians and other South Asians. They don't come to Britain begging, they come to better themselves.

    Yes all these complaints about foreigners benefitting has some truth somewhere in them, but the fact remains, as this issue is tackled or to be tackled, younger or post 70s Britons, should do what their parents did and bloody work.
    Look at Es***, he's prepared to do a job that may not be very nice, but heck, he works and supports his family. You gotta take your hat off to a guy like him. And even that old Notts codger, i961pie, whom I like to tease, he's done his bit, worked hard, raised kids well and is now happy to lead a life he wants. I won't be surprised if he's still working in some form, but if no, then, fair dos, he deserves his retirement. He's the type young people should emulate.

    I laugh at some of these 'chav like' kids today. They screw around, and those who try a bit of education choose the easiest like media studies, sports management and the like. Heck do they think all of them are gonna get jobs at the BBC or work in football? Whatever happened to taking courses in Chemistry, Engineering, Architecture, Accountancy, Law, some Medicine related discipline if not medicine itself, instead of public relations, some fanciful Arts degree and business administration. And then whine and complain when they can't get good paying jobs or even a job itself.

    No one is gonna give you a job just because you got a degree in public relations from Southampton University. And if you can't get a job, try to upgrade your degree or venture overseas to places like China or even parts of Africa, where being White might actually benefit. Stop resting on your laurels and expect to sit comfortably at home in Blighty with a high paying job for the easiest of work.
    If you don't have a degree, acquire a skill, like a mechanic, a plumber, a technician.
    Don't even have that, do something like these South Asians, drive a minicab, Uber etc. save up, buy your own car, and then buy another and rent it out. Do your own small business and grow from there, that's what Chinese housewives are doing.

    Just stop whining and start working. And then when you complain about scroungers and foreigners, maybe people might consider what you have to say.
    Last edited by Romanis; 21-08-2018 at 02:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I don't disagree with any of that.
    My stance on foreigners has never changed. If you're good for the country and we need you, then come on in.
    The Australian model is what I'd like to see here. The EU discriminates against the rest of the world. That's RACISM!!!

    A Brazilian doctor can go through the grinder to get a visa here. But a Romanin gypsy can walk right in, doss in Hyde park for 3 months and claim benefits. As well as commit a mini crime wave whilst here. Go home and is free to come back an do it again.
    As for the lazy chavs, we don't exactly help ourselves do we?
    Employers would rather hire a 25 yr old Pole on minimum wage,rather than take on a 17 year old and put some effort in training them.
    That's ok in the here and now, for today. But what about tomorrow?
    This mantra suits the EU, because of the chaos it causes the young across Europe. Portugal/Spain/Italy/Greece over half under 25's unemployed. Need a job, free movement solves that! Simply go to a richer country. This suits us as well, because the more you can break up nationalistic ideals the better.
    The we can have our USE!

    Lets not forget the role of parenthood here. Most of the young are spoiled little *******s.
    Either top heavy with toys and no pressure. Or just forgotten/abandoned and the desire to "take" what they need from the haves.
    Add to that the soft approach to discipline the left/liberals have pursued and you have a generation who don't give a ****. They are afraid of no one or nothing.
    Hell just look at the surge of violent gang crime in this country(no I'm not mentioning ethnicity here, I don't have to). When some kid feels it is OK to disembowel someone in broad daylight, then we have a problem/
    I **** myself when caught scrumping.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I think inferences to gypsies are a tad unfair, they've been travelling Europe for ages. Whilst some are doubtless, petty criminals and beggar like who will lay claim to any benefit available, a vast majority have been hounded and treated like dirt. I would give the Romany people some leeway. They're after all only a tiny minority, who don't really impact societies but are routinely singled out as some kind of inferior beings preying on society when the fact is also that they're victims.

    NB: Despite my moniker, I have no relations with them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis View Post
    I think inferences to gypsies are a tad unfair, they've been travelling Europe for ages. Whilst some are doubtless, petty criminals and beggar like who will lay claim to any benefit available, a vast majority have been hounded and treated like dirt. I would give the Romany people some leeway. They're after all only a tiny minority, who don't really impact societies but are routinely singled out as some kind of inferior beings preying on society when the fact is also that they're victims.

    NB: Despite my moniker, I have no relations with them.
    Utter bollox.
    Why are they here, most of them are illiterate.
    They come to gain financial extras, either by hook or crook.
    The example is very apt with the bias the EU enforces.
    A non EU genius can go through the grind to get a visa. Yet a thieving scrounger can just walk in.
    Or are you telling me that all Romanian gypsies, are secret doctors and rocket scientists?

    Begging.thievin. cons. benefits. Nothing more, nothing less.
    They get a bad deal in their own countries, doesn't mean they have the right to cream us either.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Utter bollox.
    Why are they here, most of them are illiterate.
    They come to gain financial extras, either by hook or crook.
    The example is very apt with the bias the EU enforces.
    A non EU genius can go through the grind to get a visa. Yet a thieving scrounger can just walk in.
    Or are you telling me that all Romanian gypsies, are secret doctors and rocket scientists?

    Begging.thievin. cons. benefits. Nothing more, nothing less.
    They get a bad deal in their own countries, doesn't mean they have the right to cream us either.

    I think you're missing the point. They have been here since time immemorial.
    Why are they suddenly the problem?
    Gypsies are almost always a transient class.
    The problems they pose are minor compared to other groups who aren't transient.
    Rather than single them out as a convenient excuse, shouldn't the EU do more to provide them some permanent place of abode and every opportunity to better themselves.
    You'll never solve the problems pushing from place to place.

    And not all gypsies are bad.
    Rafael Van der wart is/was one and he played in a WC Final.
    Give them the chance I say.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis View Post
    I think you're missing the point. They have been here since time immemorial.
    Why are they suddenly the problem?
    Gypsies are almost always a transient class.
    The problems they pose are minor compared to other groups who aren't transient.
    Rather than single them out as a convenient excuse, shouldn't the EU do more to provide them some permanent place of abode and every opportunity to better themselves.
    You'll never solve the problems pushing from place to place.

    And not all gypsies are bad.
    Rafael Van der wart is/was one and he played in a WC Final.
    Give them the chance I say.

    They have a place of their own. It is in eastern Europe. What ever country they have settled in.
    They aren't being pushed any where.
    The east european ones are the latest band wagon jumpers.
    Look at the video I sent. They have just latched onto the latest money racket opportunity.
    Crime is rife where ever they go.

    Stop evading it. The EU has allowed this. Even when booted out after 3 months of contributing **** all. They simply come back after the free plane flight we give them

    So no, the example was valid.
    EU bias for non productive s and racism for non EU citizens.
    Give my the Aussie points system any time.
    How the hell it is right that anyone from Europe can come here, claim the same benefits as the population, whilst contributing nothing, escapes me. Hell they even claim child allowance for kids that don't live here.


    Health care six-month qualifying period, except for emergencies

    Child benefit monthly payment of up to £20

    Unemployment benefit minimum qualifying period of 12 months

    Housing benefit no equivalent scheme


    Health care Available immediately and free of charge under the National Health Service

    Child benefit Paid immediately if the child is under 16, or 16 to 19 and in education or training, and the claimant has an individual income of less than £50,000. Amount is £20.30 a week for the eldest or only child, £13.40 per additional child

    Unemployment benefit Immediate payment of £71.70 a week in Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) after proving you are actively seeking work. EU migrants have to pass the “right-to-reside” test to show they are “economically active”. The European Commission wants to abolish this test. There is also contribution-based additional JSA which is only available after working for at least two years.

    Housing benefit Available immediately if you are on a low income, whether you are working or unemployed.

    How much depends on individual circumstances, but amount cannot normally exceed £250 per week for a one-bedroom property, or up to £400 a week for four bedrooms or more

    Sources: European Commission guides to social security and health care in member states, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Department for Work and Pensions.

    and this is fair how, considering a Romanian doctor earns a tenth of a UK Gp.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    This is why we have to leave the EU, I agree with Tricky about the Aussie system.
    UK has become a joke, it's impossible to keep taking out the pot without putting anything back in it.

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