The politicians and MSM are tearing themselves apart to the point nothing credible seems to get done .

The complexity of this issue is a significant factor to be fair , but because there are so many different agendas about what kind of brexit we should be obtaining it's stuck in the mud .

In some respects just leaving without a deal would be best and let the chips fall wherever they fall and you start life outside the EU with a blank canvas .

Then again if the right side of the tory party topple May then Johnson and Mogg's version of Brexit Britain fills me with dread , totaly unregulated free market capitalism with workers rights amongst other things torn up given half the chance , more fool me for voting leave you might say , a criticism I'd find hard to brush off .

Trouble you just can't believe anyone with this thing none of it's credible because until we are further down the line nobody knows what the impact will be , project fear , they may well be right but then again they may not be .

Of course there will be an impact but how strong is open to question .

We have had tough times within the EU too as many of us know too well .

If the politicians can't get it right at the point of exit then how can they be trusted to make a good go of it once we have left , me neither .