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Thread: O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bankendbfc View Post
    Well then democracy means nothing to you then. Affect your grandkids? Why stop there? Great great great grandkids eh? Yea this country and humankind that actually invented amazing things will take 50-100 years to sort out leaving a trading block. See how ridiculous that sounds.

    "Its too hard i don't wanna do it" . thats what i hear. What an attitude. Then this country and its people will never achieve anything. Because we have stopped trying to do hard difficult things. Wow. What a future.
    Can't grasp that sorry.

  2. #12
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Exile, I voted NOT to join in the 1st referendum along with most left wing minded people, but as things stand today leaving would in my opinion would be a bad thing you will see the rich getting richer, workers will be worse off with zero hrs contracts and all that shyt, troubles in Ireland will start up again over the boarder situation.
    You can't blame the E.U. for the selling off and shutting down of our industries that's a Tory policy.

    I think you may be referring to the vote to join the Common Market in the 70's
    we have drifted or more precisely been manipulated by stealth into the EU [not the same thing]
    I know the selling off or shutting down our industries [not always the Tories Mr C] may have been UK but being a member of the EU didn't do owt to stop the rot did it
    Just as a matter of interest can you name your EU member [MEP]who "represents" you without Googling now?
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 16-09-2018 at 02:40 PM.

  3. #13
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jules88 View Post
    A serious election was won by a small margin, but it was won. The Democratic process spoke and we should honour the vote as the ability to hold such a vote and follow its result is what people died for in Wars.
    They didn’t ask for a second chance. Didn’t have an opportunity to “P!ss and moan” about what the future generation might have to suffer if they got it wrong, because they fought a HARD fight to ensure that this country amd it’s people through the democratic process had a say in its own future, good or bad.
    Back out now and hold another referendum and we dishonour the deaths of millions. This is Britain, not North Korea, or some African state whereby if the president loses the election he will call another

    I predict that within 10 years at least 4 or 5 other Nations will leave too. They will look at how this country either “Fights” , or “Fall on its Sword “ and decide wether to do the same or play the opposite way to what we have done.
    The point Bankend makes about giving in “Because it’s hard” just about sums this country up and why we have a future whereby the work ethic of many young immigrants which outshines our own communities efforts ( in general) will eventually mean that the people in charge of this country and it’s future will not be decided by indigenous people, as it’s youth in general just can’t be bothererd to fight, learn or work hard for what they want....
    To be honest with thee kid I have never known a war that as been fought for, for democatic reasons. Against tirants, country's taking land off other country's, country's that are a threat to world stabilaty but never to be democratic.only civil wars our last one was the war of the roses.
    Being democratic means you can change something or someone if not suitable that's why a govenment is a pointed by vote every 4 or 5 years, if not its a dictatorship.

  4. #14
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    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    I think you may be referring to the vote to join the Common Market in the 70's
    we have drifted or more precisely been manipulated by stealth into the EU [not the same thing]
    I know the selling off or shutting down our industries [not always the Tories Mr C] may have been UK but being a member of the EU didn't do owt to stop the rot did it
    Just as a matter of interest can you name your EU member [MEP]who "represents" you without Googling now?
    No I can't
    I no this though it's not Farage. 😊

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Lifted this off another forum
    seems about right to me

    The Irish border problem will be solved by technology meaning approx. 96% of goods will freely flow, leaving only 4% of tariffs to be sorted. With this out of the way and the intended declaration to reclaim our fisheries quickly, all will be fair and square ......... obviously small concessions but not many.

    Laws, Border control & Money will again be ours as voted for. Don't forget the trump card in all this. We are rich compared to many in the EU and they want our dosh. Forget all that's gone by, we're coming to the sharp end of the negotiations now ... when things matter and all the posturing finishes. Without our cash plus the added present unrest in Europe, they will be crapping themselves if we walk away.

    Money talks ..... always has, always will and we hold the purse strings.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Exile, I voted NOT to join in the 1st referendum along with most left wing minded people, but as things stand today leaving would in my opinion would be a bad thing you will see the rich getting richer, workers will be worse off with zero hrs contracts and all that shyt, troubles in Ireland will start up again over the boarder situation.
    You can't blame the E.U. for the selling off and shutting down of our industries that's a Tory policy.
    But even inside the EU we have more ZHC's than ever , more agency workers than ever , this is the end result of accepting migrant labour , the EU's grand achievement apparently , free movement .

    The EU didn't save British industry in the 80's and 90's , they didn't stop the financial collapse 10 years ago either .

    A Labour government would find it almost impossible to bring former services and industries back in to public ownership within the EU .

    The truth is the PM May is a remainer with a Leave hat on , she's fecked which ever way she plays it .

    Only the man in the moon knows what Corbyn is , somewhere in between Remain or Leave it seems and dependent on which day of the week it is , he'd better choose the right fight too or he will be gone sooner than he thinks , 4 pyssing points in front with this government , feck me .

    If May bends over anymore to Brussels then she's toast too and we all know who may be up next .

    Pay what we owe and just leave , end of , put together a cross party Brexit team answerable to parliament and work together towards steering the ship to better waters , this worked in war time and it should do now , what the hell are we paying these people for ? .

    Get on with it .

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by upthecolliers View Post
    Can't grasp that sorry.
    Well it was a bit ranty I'll give you that, besides, 48% of the country (not that many really) couldn't grasp that 52 is more than 48.

    Banging on about kids and grandkids an what not, the remain side are teaching kids not to accept a democratic decision. That should bode well for the future. Am done.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Didn'tknow this

    Old Mrs. May's fudge shoppe

    That's what tory MPs call 10 Downing St. apparently

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    If it all goes through to leave , we're ballaxed will nivva win Ryder Cup ageeun !!!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Trouble with all this Brexit/Referendum mararkey for me is a lack of respect. We as a Nation voted and a majority was reached.
    Instead of the Politicians respecting the result joining forces and saying right we need to pull together to get the best outcome, too many of them with their own agendas have splintered to undermine everything May and co are doing.

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