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Thread: Can AH handle it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Can AH handle it?

    Getting more vocal now.Got a lot of stick on 2 comments he put up yesterday.
    1 About a great start
    2 Playing to win
    An odd personal one,but more about the clueless manager,his tactics & the comment about "a free game" .Last season he would have replied to every arse licker on there.Seems to have gone into hiding. I know most of us want him to stay out the limelight on twitter,but the bloke can't help himself.
    It is starting to show early signs of RT tenure.Fans up his arse,he posted on message boards,appointed Managers the fans didn't want.The fans voicing their concerns.
    Has AHs' bubble burst,even with the arse lickers.Will he go for more "spin"

    Is there deeper problems at the club.Yes we have a big squad & some sheite in it,but we should be able to put 11 players out on the pitch to do a job,or do we have over paid prima donas for lg2.It was like this when RT was trying to off load the club & when DP was.Has this Molloy talk upset the club.Joseph Molloy keeps putting up tweets about Notts' & Nottingham,which I find strange.Not aware of them having any Nottm connection apart from being interested in buying us when RT was selling up
    I think some fans have seen another side of AH,his attitude to his speeding offences has not gone down too well.
    Anyway,can he handle it,ride the storm thats brewing or will it be toys out the pram?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by irishpete View Post
    Getting more vocal now.Got a lot of stick on 2 comments he put up yesterday.
    1 About a great start
    2 Playing to win
    An odd personal one,but more about the clueless manager,his tactics & the comment about "a free game" .Last season he would have replied to every arse licker on there.Seems to have gone into hiding. I know most of us want him to stay out the limelight on twitter,but the bloke can't help himself.
    It is starting to show early signs of RT tenure.Fans up his arse,he posted on message boards,appointed Managers the fans didn't want.The fans voicing their concerns.
    Has AHs' bubble burst,even with the arse lickers.Will he go for more "spin"

    Is there deeper problems at the club.Yes we have a big squad & some sheite in it,but we should be able to put 11 players out on the pitch to do a job,or do we have over paid prima donas for lg2.It was like this when RT was trying to off load the club & when DP was.Has this Molloy talk upset the club.Joseph Molloy keeps putting up tweets about Notts' & Nottingham,which I find strange.Not aware of them having any Nottm connection apart from being interested in buying us when RT was selling up
    I think some fans have seen another side of AH,his attitude to his speeding offences has not gone down too well.
    Anyway,can he handle it,ride the storm thats brewing or will it be toys out the pram?
    Let's hope so or we really are in the brown stuff. I can't see a queue of people wanting to buy us.

  3. #3
    Hardy has certainly lost the plot. His response to his speeding offence was absolutely outrageous. He'll come under increasing attack as Notts continue to lose and if he keeps the utterly useless Kewell, to save face, the world's oldest League club will lose that title of which we are all so proud. Such a disappointment. Act now and find a decent , knowledgeable manager from somewhere or go down the tubes. It's Hardy's choice. We don't own the club but we are very loyal customers, without whom...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon the Pieman View Post
    Hardy has certainly lost the plot. His response to his speeding offence was absolutely outrageous. He'll come under increasing attack as Notts continue to lose and if he keeps the utterly useless Kewell, to save face, the world's oldest League club will lose that title of which we are all so proud. Such a disappointment. Act now and find a decent , knowledgeable manager from somewhere or go down the tubes. It's Hardy's choice. We don't own the club but we are very loyal customers, without whom...
    Easier said than done, Nolan looked good until after Xmas and Sheridan was thought to be a good safe pair of hands.
    Lincoln took a chance with the inexperienced Cowley brothers and look what they have done. There is no secure way of picking a manager that guarantees success.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I think Alan Hardy is coming in for some unfair criticism in all of this. You can’t fault the man as a chairman for giving Kevin Nolan what he wanted and backing him. It’s not the chairman’s job to be responsible for what kind of players we bring to the club. That’s down to the manager, coaches and whoever is involved with recruitment.

    I liked Kevin Nolan, and felt he was unlucky with the loss of Yates and the injury to Bennet and I think losing in the playoffs hit him hard. The man was like us wore his heart on his sleeve and you could tell he was completely gutted.

    There is no question he let us down in the summer with who was brought in and what we have been left with. But then I find myself asking questions as to why the likes of Dennis have done nothing since coming to the club? A player who scored so many goals in a team in the same position we are now.

    The coming months are going to be the biggest test of Alan Harry’s stewardship so far. Will Harry Kewell get us to at least 25 points by Christmas? Half the points we need to stay up. Will fans give Harry Kewell the time and patience to try and turn it around, or is his team selections, tactics along with his arrogance and brashness rubbing fans up the wrong way and not enduring? His defence is where were you (not we) when he took over. Who will be shipped out and brought in during January? Who can be shipped out. Lots of questions and food for thought as to which direction the oldest football league club will go in 2019.

  6. #6
    I don't disagree with any of that. However the way Hardy operates is a cause for concern. He sacked Sheridan without thinking and got caught for unfair dismissal. He really should have known better. He appointed Kewell in a rush and lo and behold caught again, at a massive cost. He arrogantly drove through road works at 77 mph and yet again. Three grand plus up the swanee. The days of the maverick club owner are well and truly over. I've written to him recently, partly complimentary, before you ask. My main concern was Kewell's constant criticism of his team. He seems to have taken that on board and I'm sure many have said the same thing to him.Try it. He certainly won't read this but he'll read the views of a customer on a piece of A4.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MAD_MAGPIE View Post
    I think Alan Hardy is coming in for some unfair criticism in all of this. You can’t fault the man as a chairman for giving Kevin Nolan what he wanted and backing him. It’s not the chairman’s job to be responsible for what kind of players we bring to the club. That’s down to the manager, coaches and whoever is involved with recruitment.

    I liked Kevin Nolan, and felt he was unlucky with the loss of Yates and the injury to Bennet and I think losing in the playoffs hit him hard. The man was like us wore his heart on his sleeve and you could tell he was completely gutted.

    There is no question he let us down in the summer with who was brought in and what we have been left with. But then I find myself asking questions as to why the likes of Dennis have done nothing since coming to the club? A player who scored so many goals in a team in the same position we are now.

    The coming months are going to be the biggest test of Alan Harry’s stewardship so far. Will Harry Kewell get us to at least 25 points by Christmas? Half the points we need to stay up. Will fans give Harry Kewell the time and patience to try and turn it around, or is his team selections, tactics along with his arrogance and brashness rubbing fans up the wrong way and not enduring? His defence is where were you (not we) when he took over. Who will be shipped out and brought in during January? Who can be shipped out. Lots of questions and food for thought as to which direction the oldest football league club will go in 2019.
    The only way to get things back on track, (ob but true), is to win some matches and stop conceding goals for fun. There are some decent players within the squad but they seem poorly motivated and organised. Most experienced managers would default to 'parking the bus', in our situation and trying to nick a few wins. Kewell continually bangs on about 'playing the right way' and it taking time for players to adapt to 'what he wants'. Alongside the fact that his post match summaries now seem to bear absolutely no resemblance to what actually happens on the pitch is also beginning to rub supporters up the wrong way. I don't imagine Biggus Allus will consider sacking him unless we are bottom and points adrift, as his ego will not allow that to happen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I find the whole situation baffling we were starting a nice little run of results then a break. We then got battered at bury should of won at mk or not lost at least but for a refereeing decision. Should of beat swindon. Weve been playing some good stuff hk can't put the ball in the net, the players missing the chances are quality for this division. Hk has brought 3 defenders in and they are alot better players than we had. I think we should play 4-5-1 with enzio playing a free roll. To me he's a luxury player who cant defend and you have to work your ti#ts off playing in midfield. This would make us more compact and hopefully stop the opposition waltzing through us. It is very strange that kellet and dennis havent played together for notts they should have an understanding at least. We need a battling centre midfielder who can do the simple things hopefully hk will address this in January he says he knows who he wants.

    As fans just look back over the years we cant keep changing managers its pathetic proof is in the pudding unless we get an investment of millions and millions we need to build a team at least we have a chairman that puts HIS money where his mouth is. Do you think hes happy losing millions? All the fans on here calling AH and wanting HK gone what would you do any different? We have had proven managers plenty of them, the chairman sacked one sold the players and we went into freefall. Some fans need to take a step back maybe and realise all the years of sh##e arent down to AH AND HK.

  9. #9
    Gubbie, take your points but who is responsible for the years of sh##te, then? The only constant would appear to be us-the supporters? Are we to blame then?
    And I'd think all chairmen want to succeed, why wouldn't they? Both pockets and egos suffer if they don't. I just think they get caught up in all the adoration when its right and then it feeds the ego. No way would Yates have gone back if it hadn't been for the Big mans attitude. Then that leaves us blaming the manager.
    Who's driving all this, is it us calling for attractive football? Not really, we just want points. Are we obsessed with having a youthful team? No. We just turn up and support. So whats the answer? No idea. But it's a right mess. Bit disjointed but I'm worried!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Yes thats rational placid pie. Yates has got ambition thats why he went back. Just seems alot of money (for this division)gets ploughed into the club and we get nowhere. I only go bout 10 times a season now with work and living in york but i got a reality check a while ago its a case of wasting alot of money and time watching players who dont care. We lose it spouls our wknd but the players have a bath meal and go home most not bothered.
    I think its time and luck but unfortunately the way society is nowdays time is not given but is needed at this level look at pompey and leeds just 2 examples.

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