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Thread: OT: The ultimate hypocrite. DON'T READ IF OFFENDED BY POLITICAL FREDS

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by the_anticlough View Post
    Serious question, are there any leave supporters willing to say enough is enough about the way May is trying to force her Brexit through parliament.

    On top of the original lies, illegal campaigning and foreign interference we can add

    bribes to the DUP
    bribes to some Labour MPs in leave constituencies
    "Contempt of parliament' ruling for withholding information
    breaking 'pairs' agreements in parliamentary votes
    multiple votes for her deal but ruling out other votes
    endless playing for time
    threatening to break international treaties
    and god knows what other shenanigans to make people give their vote...

    Don't you think this demeans us all?
    Didn’t the remain side say Brexit would start a 3rd world war, amongst other outrageous claims, but you’re conveniently forgetting to post about that.

    We voted to leave. That means leave. Get over it 💤

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TSANHO View Post
    Didn’t the remain side say Brexit would start a 3rd world war

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by TSANHO View Post
    Didn’t the remain side say Brexit would start a 3rd world war, amongst other outrageous claims, but you’re conveniently forgetting to post about that.

    We voted to leave. That means leave. Get over it ��
    People from both sides conveniently forget things.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    I think the majority of leave supporters are sick to death of May and her cronies regarding her/their handling of brexit.
    She should have gone after the last election and left the negotiating to people who believed in what they were doing.
    Even I agree with that. Starting from a honest position might have made for more honest politics. Then again, maybe not - Fox, DePfeffel, Davis etc didn't exactly start off that way

    Fox - 'easiest deal in history' Davis - 'individual trade deals with France and Germany!!!', dePfeffel - where do you start? prosecco? sunlit uplands? doing a runner as soon as it gets difficult?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I don't know what the fuq you're on about, but I'm offended anyway.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post


    It’s this kind of **** that people with no brains will see and get scared and hysterical over...the remain camp were equally culpable of running a campaign based on fear, not facts.

    The remainers belittling the leavers probably based their vote on the moronic stories like the one posted above....just as much as some leavers based their votes on immigration. It’s a two edged sword, and the more we squabble the more the politicians get away with being inept childlike versions of what leaders should be.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TSANHO View Post
    Didn’t the remain side say Brexit would start a 3rd world war, amongst other outrageous claims, but you’re conveniently forgetting to post about that.

    We voted to leave. That means leave. Get over it ��
    Thanks for that Tsanho.
    No, I'm with Driller, can't remember a 3rd World War being mentioned, only the 2nd, quite a bit!
    'Leave means leave', "brexit means brexit'...you know, I've no idea why they ever bother making dictionaries, there's no need.
    But your trouble is that 'leave' means many, many different things. Isn't that why all the tories have been fighting like cats in a bag for the last 3 years?
    And last, that old chestnut 'get over it'. Democracy is about fighting for what you believe in. There's a majority to remain now, nobody's getting over anything
    Last edited by the_anticlough; 16-03-2019 at 08:39 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Then you was living on another planet

    It's funny how all the tabloid press printed that very thing from Camerons threats, in his speech.

    "Can we be so sure peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking? I would never be so rash to make that assumption,” said Cameron. Touching upon Britain’s warring past, Cameron continued by saying: "what happens in our neighbourhood matters to Britain. That was true in 1914, 1940, 1989.... and it is true in 2016." “We should listen to the voices that say Europe had a violent history, we've managed to avoid that and so why put at risk the things that achieve that?"

    The news papers took that very literally, due to the nature of treaties etc.


    It's funny how a bloody bus slogan "suggesting" we give the £350 M to the NHS, gets more air time and talked about as the one motivator to vote leave.
    I's have thought the threat of conflict in Europe, was more frightening.
    But then again, I'm a xenophobic/racist/bigot/far right extremist/who didn't know what I was voting for and not capable of making my own mind up zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by the_anticlough View Post
    Thanks for that Tsanho.
    No, I'm with Driller, can't remember a 3rd World War being mentioned, only the 2nd, quite a bit!
    'Leave means leave', "brexit means brexit'...you know, I've no idea why they ever bother making dictionaries, there's no need.
    But your trouble is that 'leave' means many, many different things. Isn't that why all the tories have been fighting like cats in a bag for the last 3 years?
    And last, that old chestnut 'get over it'. Democracy is about fighting for what you believe in. There's a majority to remain now, nobody's getting over anything
    There’s a majority to Remain now? I must have missed that vote, bugger. There was also a majority to remain prior to the original vote if you remember....right up to polling day. Pay no attention to whatever bizarre mainstream opinion polls you are clinging on in hope to and accept that democracy is being served.

    See above the story in one of the daily toilet roll supplements about WW3. Even if it is absolute rubbish, this is much akin to advertising. The many hard of thinking that voted to remain would have seen this garbage and been scared into voting to remain....like many were scared into voting to leave due to immigration. These things work their way into the consciousness of people, that’s why they do it....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by TSANHO View Post
    There’s a majority to Remain now? I must have missed that vote, bugger. There was also a majority to remain prior to the original vote if you remember....right up to polling day. Pay no attention to whatever bizarre mainstream opinion polls you are clinging on in hope to and accept that democracy is being served.

    See above the story in one of the daily toilet roll supplements about WW3. Even if it is absolute rubbish, this is much akin to advertising. The many hard of thinking that voted to remain would have seen this garbage and been scared into voting to remain....like many were scared into voting to leave due to immigration. These things work their way into the consciousness of people, that’s why they do it....
    The paper didn't cover itself in glory there did it? So, fair point.
    Polls are all we have, 51.89% to 48.11% was way too close for what's happening now and polls have been showing staying in the EU is up for a long time. It's not going to go away however much you wish it.

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