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Thread: Old Extinct Pubs in Aberdeen

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    As was said, it's now, appropriately, a funeral home. It wis strange tho the last time me and my Da were there together, havin had many a pint together in the place, but this time, me sayin a last cheerio tae him afore they closed his coffin.

    ..... an' afore ony smart arsed radge asks ..... Aye! ... he wis deid!
    Last edited by NaeMairNeeps; 18-07-2019 at 08:59 PM.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Pacman1903 View Post
    Must have been some come down later on as you were eed up to the max. Dinna ken fit you did to Jason in the bogs but the elbow in the jaw was most deserved for the belt alone

    Why did you have a belt with a shell suit out of interest?
    Just drink in Portals a bit mair often & all will be revealed...

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NaeMairNeeps View Post
    Ah want tae correct this story, but Ah canna mind how it wis that The Tanfield got their team back in the league.

    It wisna as ye say tho, cos Bob Lawrence's and The Tanfield were the same bar at different times.

    Bob Lawrence bought ower the Tanfield and changed the name
    Did Walter Baxter take it ower and imaginatively re-name it Walter’s?

    The only time I can recall being in there one drunken Friday night aboot 1981, there was a boy going roon taking orders for video recorders. In a crude, primitive early form of a manual spreadsheet, he had the models and their features on a bit of paper, and got affa ratty with a potential customer who couldna understand the 8xFF feature on the model he fancied getting.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by NaeMairNeeps View Post
    Ah want tae correct this story, but Ah canna mind how it wis that The Tanfield got their team back in the league.

    It wisna as ye say tho, cos Bob Lawrence's and The Tanfield were the same bar at different times.

    Bob Lawrence bought ower the Tanfield and changed the name.

    Folks thought there might be a welcome change since the new owner wis an ex cop. Hopes were somewhat dashed tho when it was discovered that a shiτload o' drink and fags, robbed fae 'Bairdy's' the local grocer, was stashed under the coonter and gettin sold cheap in the bar

    Re. the fitba team tho ... nae sure if it's true, but Ah did hear they had tae forfeit a game cos they couldna field enough players due tae a high number o' injuries tae regular players ..... all this on account o' an almighty fecht the night before involving a variety o' weapons and a busy night at A+E
    You're right they were the same establishment. I am thinking now could have been Seaton Lodge? It was a long time ago but the teams' reputation prodeded them from sponsor to sponsor i'm told. Before we realised how 'competitive' they were we tried to match up to them but being volleyed in the chest going up for a high ball and then watching our keeper kicked for what seemed like ages by 3 or 4 players when diving at someone's feet discretion seemed preferable to honour.
    As an aside a mate of mine was offered some albums in said bar and was leafing through them when he saw some rarer vynyl and realised it was his own collection! They had knocked off his flat while he was in for a pint!

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Edit, in my defence i did include a question mark after Bob Lawrence's in the original quote. Historical innacuracy is not an attempt to deceive more recognition that these days i would forget my bollox if they weren't in a bag.

    As my 90 year old ma would say a craft moment

    can't remember a fckg thing.
    Last edited by DonUnder; 19-07-2019 at 04:45 AM. Reason: typing not a strong point either

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    The death of the 'roon the shore' experience was a massive blow to the traditions of this city. I feel sorry for future generations.

    Think there's only Frankie Loanie's fun palace left on the regent quay stretch now?

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    Did Walter Baxter take it ower and imaginatively re-name it Walter’s?

    The only time I can recall being in there one drunken Friday night aboot 1981, there was a boy going roon taking orders for video recorders. In a crude, primitive early form of a manual spreadsheet, he had the models and their features on a bit of paper, and got affa ratty with a potential customer who couldna understand the 8xFF feature on the model he fancied getting.
    Hmmm ... Ah dae mind it wis 'Walters Bar' ... but yer sayin 1981? ... Ah suppose, it might hae been Walter's' afore it wis 'Lawrence's' ... but if that's the case, it couldna hae been for lang.

    Last time I ws in .... ither than tae view ma Da's body, wis only tae buy some tobacco efter the shops had closed. The guy on ma right, at the coonter, kept askin me tae sell him some smack ... which Ah tellt him Ah didna hae onythin tae dae wi ... ever! ... but he kept askin. The guy on ma left wis gan tae 'kick ma fkn heid in' cos Ah widna gie him a roll up .... even tho Ah explained, Ah didna hae ony ... but would hae if he wid jist leave me tae get served. Luckily, he got some ither c*nt tae sort him oot wi a fag by the time Ah got served.
    Last edited by NaeMairNeeps; 19-07-2019 at 09:39 PM.

  8. #128
    Spotted The Wild Boar on the news tonight. The first pub i was ever in as an underage scamp many, many years ago.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DonUnder View Post
    Pretty sure it wasn't a pub before The Muscular Arms. From memory it was a shop of some kind but a gym opened around 1984 and they called the pub underneath The Muscular Arms.
    It was a gym owned by a Neil Milne (owner of TDC) if memory serves me right. Always there a on a Saturday night. One of the first boozers to do a happy hour. We used to go in and order 6 bottles each. Happy days when bars were open.

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