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Thread: Let's get Brexit Done

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Let's get Brexit Done

    Controversial I know. But I reckon if it goes through this week in the short term it may cause problems. Long term it will probably benefit all those who want independence as at the next General Election the Tories will be wiped out in Scotland.
    The SNP will then win an overall majority in 2021 Holyrood elections which again if we have not allready had the go ahead from Westminster to hold another Indy ref will pile extra pressure on them to grant it.
    Then again Brexit after new trade deals with europe and the rest of the world may be good for Scotland and the UK economy and we will all be more prosperous individually and as a country . Which would mean the Doubters,the Doomsters, gloomsters would have all been wrong.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by duke_the_arab View Post
    Then again Brexit after new trade deals with europe and the rest of the world may be good for Scotland and the UK economy and we will all be more prosperous individually and as a country . Which would mean the Doubters,the Doomsters, gloomsters would have all been wrong.
    After what i have witnessed since the Union voted to quit Europe, i have serious doubts that the current members have the ability to get us a decent deal anywhere.

    In the absence of an option to stay in the common market, i voted for Brexit in the hope that we get another chance to gain independence, therefore get our own chance to trade with the outside world!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I doubt Westminster can deliver BRExit in a meaningful way.. What I want is Independence, then decide what we want going forward. The status quo where England elects Governments we don't want, and purposes social change against the grain of our Social Democratic tendencies, means the Union is untenable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Give the rest of the UK the Brexit they voted for in return for an independence referendum.

    That will sort it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    At the moment here is what the UK countries are looking likely to get.

    England voted leave getting leave

    Wales voted leave getting leave.

    Northern Ireland voted remain and getting remain.

    Scotland voted remain and getting leave.

    Spot the odd one out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    The country getting the best Brexit deal is NI,i can understand the DUP being furious with Boris and the border down the Irish sea however if this deal ever goes through i think that some businesses in the rest of the UK may relocate to Ulster due to the favourable arrangement with the EU.
    This country's parliament asked for a deal similar to what is now being proposed for NI but it was shot down in flames by the Tory government in 2016.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GUNBOAT View Post
    The country getting the best Brexit deal is NI,i can understand the DUP being furious with Boris and the border down the Irish sea however if this deal ever goes through i think that some businesses in the rest of the UK may relocate to Ulster due to the favourable arrangement with the EU.
    This country's parliament asked for a deal similar to what is now being proposed for NI but it was shot down in flames by the Tory government in 2016.

    Not only that but the 13 Judases elected by idiot voters in Scotland ensured this would never happen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    This is the Brexit mess in a nutshell.

    Northern Ireland/Great Britain

    1 Boris Johnston,NO checks between the two islands.

    2Julien Smith secretary of state,we will try to keep things easy and straightforward.

    3 Brexit secretary Steve Barclay said no checks then retracted and said export papers are needed.

    4 Home secretary Priti Patel said there may well be border officials required between NI and GB.

    This same FN shower united in saying that MP's had plenty of time to scrutinise the withdrawal agreement(3 days )yet none of them have got a clue what is going to happen with their own bill.Honest to phuck you just couldna make it up,FACT.

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