Quote Originally Posted by deebuster View Post
Agree that if we can help to block to Tories, then it is payback. However, we need a general election to allow the SNP to offer support in a hung Parliament , the price being a Section 30 order, otherwise will continue to wreck Westminsters ambitions on BREXIT etc.
The problem with that scenario that i also prefer is i don't think its going to happen.All the polls in England suggest a Tory majority government and that would probably scupper Indy Ref 2 at least until Brexit economics ravage the country.We had 56 SNP MP's in Westminster after the 2015 Tsunami but Cameron with only 1 Tory in Scotland still got his majority.
My preferred option between a new government with a majority or a hung parliament that we have now is the latter,its also worth remembering the decent Tories in this parliament like Hammond and Grieve etc will be replaced by hard right wing brexiteers in the new intake of 2019.