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Thread: Walter Sobchak

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Walter Sobchak

    I can't find the full lot of them but I've found a few. I know a couple of you were asking...

    Christine Hamilton

    Ooooooohhhh... a tough ane!

    It wid indeed involve a trip tae the basement, if only tae mak' sure she disna hae a co(k and ba's. Assuming this wisna the case, ah wid probably gie it a push for twa reasons; 1- ah could shut ma een and think aboot Nick Clegg's wife and 2- she clearly is a goer and, in these cynical times, thon has tae count for something.

    At her age, her spread oot vag1na wid look like a squashed sparrow, but ah reckon ah could still coax Little Walter intae half-a-nasty, so at least ah could thumb yin in. Yince ah'd got a decent rhythm going, and ah watched ma Miniature Hero sliding in and ootay her Liver-Lapels, nature wid tak' its course.

    Shame is for the weak! Or at least for the next morning... Freezing

    Ah realise that admitting tae getting a stiffy fae Christine Hamilton is embarrassing, so ah wid hae tae tak' it oot on her wi' a fierce bout o' anal vandal-jism. She wid probably like it, if no' the fact ah wid furiously quote Nye Bevan and Clement Atlee's finest speeches while ah did it.

    The "leftie cliqueist" that ah ah'm.

    Sic a bout o' class warfare (the richt (and Bliar)'s greatest feat in recent years has been the perpetuation o' the lie that thir's nae class division any mair - fit a pile o' 5hite) wid hae me at the edge o' spoffage in nae time at ah and ah wid dae ma level best tae whitewash her lower colon. Urrrgh!

    Christine wid then turn roond and a knowing look wid pass a'tween us. She wid wink at me, shove her richt mitt as far up her ruined sphincter as she could (which wid be quite a lot, gie'in' the damage ah'd inflicted). Yin squelchy scoop later, she'd pull her hand oot and smear it on her slimy husband's face.

    Because ye just ken that Neil Hamilton is the type tae; 1- either like seeing his wife pumped, or too feart tae stop her being pumped and 2- likes tae hae anithir mannie's 5hite and man-druff smeared on his face. The tory (unt.

    Then ah'd probably throw them baith in the incinerator, Fritzl-style. Yin co(k ootay five.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The man is a legend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Lyndsey Davenport

    **** aye. She probably has serious self-esteem issues; child prodigy forced by her parents tae play tennis, nae as ***y as yir Kournikovas or Hantuchovas ( ) o' this world, constantly judged on unfair terms that nae normal quine could hope tae succeed wi'.

    In ithir words, she will probably hae downed mair semen than a North Korean torpedo. Ah'm well and ****in' truly in!

    Imagine they big muscular thighs wrapped roond yir neck, crushing yir lugs and forcing yir pus intae a gristle-thistle that looks like a well punched lasagne. Ye wid be powerless tae resist Lindsay's cheeky demands tae lick her monthly menstrual hole, ending up wi' a pasta grin.

    Fan's yir Dolmio Day? Lovely!

    As reward for makk'in her fillings rattle (as well as the embarrassment o' being made tae look like Robert Smith fae The Cure, if Robert Smith fae The Cure had been painted by Picasso), ah wid tak' a bloody, painful revenge on her rusty bullet wound.

    Thir wid be utter carnage, fin ah pulled oot and emptied ma dishonourable discharge, ah oo'er her athletic backside and lower back. Three cocks ootay five, as ah reckon she wid hae richt sweaty oxters, a'na.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    One of my favourite authors. I've read all of her books.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I know folk who werent registered on here who came on just to read Sobchaks words

    A squashed sparrow. Brilliant

    This place was a f@cking hoot at one point

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Must have been before my time. Who is Walter Sobchak?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Top, top lad.
    Used to contribute to the WYOWYN threads in the graphically imaginative fashion quoted by Mason above.

    He had a turn of phrase second to none and an imagination that, I'd guess, attracted the cyber bobbies in the direction of this forum.

    A true legend.
    A long suffering Washington Redskins fan ("only Duran Duran have fallen further since the eighties") and a boy that knew his music.

    But it's for his WYOWYN contributions that he is most fondly remembered.

    You couldnae read a Walter post therein without p1shing yersell.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I’ve got a few more that I’ll fire up tomorrow. Sadly, no Lynne McGranger.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by mondo_notion View Post
    Must have been before my time. Who is Walter Sobchak?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Samantha Cameron

    Ma depraved ***ual thoughts aboot Smanfa are well kent tae regular posters on here. It wid indeed be an act of class war, even though ye gie yirsel' a'wa a bittie fin ye go doon that route. They posh bits love a bit of it (especially up the Virginia Bottomley ) and are yaising us, at least as much as we're yaising them.

    Ah bet she neighs like a cuddy fin she comes. Nae that she's had an orgasm in her life, yet. Nae married tae fit Caitlin Moran described as "C3-PO, made ootay ham"

    Anyway, back tae Smanfa. Ah wid lock her in ma **** dungeon and demand she learns tae properly bring hersel' off. Ah wid insist on watching until she had worked hersel' intae a swollen frigmarole frenzy.

    By the time ah inserted, she wid hae a **** like Nikki Lauda's lips.

    Tae be honest though, tae follow on wi' vaginal penetration wid be a hollow sham tae us both. Smanfa kens as well as me that it wid be ah aboot plunging her up the coal-hole. There wid be a symphony o' farmyard animal noises fae the upper-class minx as ah regaled her wi' tales / insults / motivation o' how Jenny Bond wis a better ride until ah crashed the sement-mixer up her ruined bunghole.

    As a special treat for after's, ah wid pull ma fiveskin forward, swill oot the trough and deposit the detritus ah oo'er her chin and, if ah had time, alluring oxters.

    Smanfa, ah think this coalition could be viable long-term proposition, it's a shameful four cocks ootay five, but only if yir husband cleans the flair wi' his toothbrush. The upper-class jessie.

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