Quote Originally Posted by shaded View Post
Have We Hit Rock Bottom Yet?

simple answer is a big no

we can still drop out this division this season

we are stumbling from one low to the next even lower one

i never in my wildest dreams would ever have imagined being out numbered at home from the well in a scottish cup game.

some incumbents within dens will think nothing is wrong,in fact i could imagine some high 5's and back slapping going on last night,when it was evident that the derry has been neutered and the fans around the ground silenced as if they had a very bad dose of tonsillitis.

apathy is abound and running amock within dens and if its not addressed alongside the main problems at dens very soon then there is a grave danger that our club will take a severe terminal blow.

a blind man can see whats wrong
In a playing sense no, we can still fall further but it's really irrelevant as the club and fan base is destroyed, you cud have klopp as manager Aguero partnering Tommy Coyne, and Paul sturrock being executed as part of a half time show and it would still be meh from our support.

As a club probably yes as I cannot see how it can be resurrected if I'm being honest.

That was an indication last night of potential season ticket renewals, around pre Peter Marr levels.

Some say we are sleepwalking into oblivion I think we are running at it full pelt arms stretched wide embracing it.

As soon as this stadium hits the buffers and the dabs maintain their position that they won't move it's game over.

You would have been pretty much in awe of the well fans last night, everything you would want from a support.