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Thread: Games off in Italy due to Coronavirus

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    Haha I think the tinned sardine and UHT milk lobby is behind all this!

    Joking aside I can't imagine any competent public health official prioritising a potential fixture backlog over the spread of a disease with a 2% mortality rate for which there is no vaccine or cure. In fact I would put that down as one of those things you can only read on NCM!
    So there's the potential for matches being played behind closed doors.

    Not sure if it's a good thing either that the Euros this year is being played all over Europe rather than one country. This virus has the potential to have a pretty huge effect on football.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    Well it would, wouldn't it?!

    I'm not claiming for one moment that things like Coronavirus, global warming, the Y2K bug or any other 'emergency' you care to mention don't have some basis in fact. Of course they do.

    But you would need to be naïve in the extreme not to see that these things are also exploited and often exaggerated by those who quickly spot an opportunity to make a lot of money from them in a whole variety of ways, be that private companies seeking to make a fast buck or public organisations seeking to justify an increased need for taxpayer funding to 'solve' the problem. Both have a vested interest in creating as much hype and fear as possible, as indeed do journalists in the modern day 24-hour news culture where there is a constant need to for big stories to keep them in jobs.

    That's not so much a conspiracy. More a recognition of basic human nature, be that a good or bad thing.
    Do some people make money on the back of these emergencies? Of course, mask makers must be doing ok at the moment.

    Is that evidence that this latest virus is a ‘media event’. No. Should authorities take every step advised by public health experts to limit the spread of this virus? Absolutely.

    Jackal you’re obviously an intelligent guy, and in a different league to some of the right wing cranks on here, but your world view that too much is being made of a potential emergency like this but you don’t mind politicians lying to you seriously needs some thinking about.

  3. #13
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Do some people make money on the back of these emergencies? Of course, mask makers must be doing ok at the moment.

    Is that evidence that this latest virus is a ‘media event’. No. Should authorities take every step advised by public health experts to limit the spread of this virus? Absolutely.

    Jackal you’re obviously an intelligent guy, and in a different league to some of the right wing cranks on here, but your world view that too much is being made of a potential emergency like this but you don’t mind politicians lying to you seriously needs some thinking about.
    Don't forget the left wing cranks

  4. #14
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by upthemaggies View Post
    So there's the potential for matches being played behind closed doors.

    Not sure if it's a good thing either that the Euros this year is being played all over Europe rather than one country. This virus has the potential to have a pretty huge effect on football.
    Yeah listening to the various interviews yesterday it looks like they'll go ahead with matches behind closed doors from next week if the virus keeps spreading.

    It has the potential to have a pretty huge impact on everything to be honest!

  5. #15
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Do some people make money on the back of these emergencies? Of course, mask makers must be doing ok at the moment.

    Is that evidence that this latest virus is a ‘media event’. No. Should authorities take every step advised by public health experts to limit the spread of this virus? Absolutely.

    Jackal you’re obviously an intelligent guy, and in a different league to some of the right wing cranks on here, but your world view that too much is being made of a potential emergency like this but you don’t mind politicians lying to you seriously needs some thinking about.
    To be fair you've reflected my view correctly, that I think too much is being made out of the COVID-19 threat. I've got no problem with it being reported in a calm way, and with people taking sensible precautions as advised, but I'm cynical about the level of hype, if not panic, that the media are creating, as they do around many stories in this 24-hour news culture.

    Put it this way, I'll bet that neither of us dies of Coronavirus. If we do, then I owe you a tenner!

    I take it the 'politicians lying to us' reference dates back to the Brexit debate. I wouldn't say I don't mind them lying, but there were a fair few porky pies told on both sides of the Remain/Leave argument and in a democracy it's up to the public to decide which arguments they most believe. People often complain about politicians lying, or at least being selective with the truth, but when politicians are brave enough to tell the public unpopular home truths, they often get kicked in the ballots for it rather than grateful thanks, so it's a chicken and egg situation.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    According to The Sun in the last few hours.....

    "FA chiefs will fly out to Amsterdam today for emergency talks over the impact of the coronavirus.
    After Health Secretary Matt Hancock hinted the Government could ban all major public gatherings, forcing matches to be played behind closed doors, England’s Wembley friendlies with Italy and Denmark this month seem increasingly unlikely to go ahead."

  7. #17
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Correct Driller.

    I’ve seen warnings about the consequences of Brexit being likened to the Y2K virus. That didn’t turn out too badly because of the time and money spent on expertise making sure that it didn’t turn out too badly.
    This hardly compares, BFP, no-ones life was being threatened by Brexit and we did have plenty of time to prepare for it.

    For what it's worth I think this virus is only as dangerous as a new strain of flu, we get one of these every year and they will kill some but they are self-limiting. Viruses mutate, which is why we get we get new ones and why we need a new jab each year, last year's
    has mutated into this year's and the old vaccine won't work. Too bad it's too late to innoculate now it's in the population.

    Throwing money at the problem? Where do you throw it? The only action to take is to try and isolate outbreaks- easy, innit?

    This from RationalWiki, it's about the survival problem of a virus on Noah's ark!

    "Viruses pose a special problem. Most viruses are very host specific and cannot survive long without a host. Because their hosts develop immunity to a virus after infection, viruses require a large population of hosts to infect. To see what I mean, imagine a world with only eight people in it. One carries smallpox. He gets the disease. It spreads to the other seven people. They all have smallpox. But now that everyone has had it and survived (or not), there is no one else to infect. Unable to live without a host, the smallpox virus goes extinct. Nearly all viruses have this problem. They can only survive if the population is producing new hosts fast enough to keep the virus from extinction."

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Seeing that on average 6 people are killed on our roads every day, perhaps we should ban driving.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    Do some people make money on the back of these emergencies? Of course, mask makers must be doing ok at the moment.

    Is that evidence that this latest virus is a ‘media event’. No. Should authorities take every step advised by public health experts to limit the spread of this virus? Absolutely.

    Jackal you’re obviously an intelligent guy, and in a different league to some of the right wing cranks on here, but your world view that too much is being made of a potential emergency like this but you don’t mind politicians lying to you seriously needs some thinking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    Don't forget the left wing cranks
    Just cranks will do.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gozzie321 View Post
    Seeing that on average 6 people are killed on our roads every day, perhaps we should ban driving.

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