Quote Originally Posted by louisxiv View Post
In he absence of live football I've been scouring YouTube for these. There are many to be had:


Great viewing! I remember watching The Big Match on Border TV on a Sunday afternoon. When strips were strips, not kits, pitches were muddy, Manchester city played a red and black away strip and Crystal Palace turned out in claret and blue. Remember Eddie McCreadie?

Can anyone tell me.if I'm correct in remembering it was easier to see English football than Scottish on TV in those days? In Dumfries I mean. I seem to remember watching mostly English football at that time of my life.

It certainly was English football on Sunday afternoons on Border ITV. As for for the BBC I don't remember if this was the way of broadcasting in those days or more to do with fact I too busy watching The Generation Game. Sure people on here can remember?
In the bad old days we could not get BBC1 Scotland in the Dumfries area and the coverage came from BBC1 North East, remember Mike Neville?, so on the Saturday night we had Match of the Day as the only football we could see so we were brought up on English league football only. Someone will no doubt tell us when we eventually got the Scottish coverage in the region. ITV has alway been supplied by Border who used to be based in Carlisle but now despite what it tries to convey it comes from Newcastle and has suffered as a result.