The big car insurance companies here are giving everyone a 15% refund on their premiums for Mar/Apr/May. Works out at about $45 for me so not a great amount considering we will have probably only driven 100-200 miles in that time compared to our usual 2,500 but better than nothing. We do have the option of 'by the mile' insurance where we live but never went for it and would have probably saved loads although I think they charge a 100 mile/week minimum anyway.

Thinking of not insuring? Not with some of the idiots on the roads, especially the budding F1 drivers out there now the roads are 'empty'. On a local freeway, one guy in a Corvette was clocked at 192mph at 7:45 on a Monday morning. Now I'm a bit of a Captain Slow but even when I've dared to speed on public roads and been around 100 it's a bit of a fright so God knows what doing 192 is like. Funny (or not funny actually) thing is, when they finally caught up with this guy when he pulled off the freeway, he was over the drink driving limit