Interesting or perhaps depressing to see what other countries think about how we have dealt with Covid;
Australian Prime Minister " No country that had pursued herd immunity achieved it. It is a death sentence."
Italian newspaper "Britain lost the advantage Italy gave it. The first two weeks of the outbreak in Italy made it obvious it was spreading.'
Greek newspaper. 'Johnson is more dangerous than cronovirus.One of the greatest tradegies is that incompetent leaders such as Johnson and Trumpare at the helm of such an emergency."
Irish newspaper. "Ministers of slim talent have bumbled through daily briefings and now big business Tories are impatient to reverse a shutdown so contrary to Brexiteer dreams
Italian newspaper. "The most reluctant country to impose a lockdown and were slapping each other on their backs because the health system was well prepared. That quickly revealed itself as a fallacy the government massively underestimated the pandemic."
German newspaper. Only a few weeks ago Britain had the reputation of a country in which the virus was spreading cautiously"
Spanish newspaper. Britains situation's like a nightmare from which you cannot awake but in which you landed because of your own fault or stupidity."
The myth of exceptionalism indeed.