Quote Originally Posted by WanChaiMiller View Post
Im just wondering where we stand ***ual abuse of young Thai girls by white Europeans.

This from an ABC News article is 2006. The industry grows year on year. The exploitation of these girls is on an industrial level. We all know someone thats been to Thai on a *** holiday but turn a blind eye.

" The U.S Department of Justice said the growing popularity of the very profitable child *** tourism trade contributes to the problem. A Thai organization called FACE, the coalition to Fight Against Child Exploitation, claimed that 5,000 foreigners come to Thailand each year to have *** with children.

The organization described the average *** tourist as a middle-aged white male from either Europe or North America who often goes online to find the "best deals." One particular Web site promised "nights of *** with two young Thai girls for the price of a tank of gas."

Where do you stand Wanchai? Where have you been turning a blind eye?

Since you ask:

If anyone communicated to me they were off to Thailand to have *** with children, i'd make our authorities aware of it because it's abhorrent and it's where my children live. I'd hope they could dig up sufficient dirt to prevent these WHITE males from travelling anywhere to have *** with children and prevent these WHITE males being any danger to children here. I hope that's actually happening if people do know something and I hope the authorities are doing their jobs this time.

Is this just another dig at White males or do are you attempting to make some other point? I don't want to jump to the wrong conclusion.

Are you a white male? (you don't have to answer)