Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
My extreme predjudice for screaming about the lack of impartiality? Classic.

You Sir epitomise todays left /Liberal stance on cancel culture.
If you don't like what we say/want, we are going to do our best to remove you/your opinion and impose our "new" censorship on society.
JK Rowling is a classic. Absolute nobodies have tried to get publishers etc to not work with her, for her views.
Not that she's poor enough to care anyway. But how the hell is any publisher going to cast away a writer who makes them millions, for some political despot with a WOKE/BLM/Multi genda opinion that doesn't like her?

Free speech is fine in the left/Liberals eyes, as long as it conforms to their ideals. If it doesn't, you're a Nazi !!!!! (OR BIGOT, AS YOU LIKE TO THROW AROUND)
Oh dear we have been reading crap off the internet again! Its typical of you to highlight something as if it represented the norm, when it doesn't. I said nothing about censorship, or the so called "cancel culture", something by the way thats been blown up out of all proportion, but is not condoned by most liberal minded people. Though if it were applied to you on this Forum I would have no objection, but thats because xenophobic racist and bigoted views should be banned!

I am more than happy to hear and read alternative views expressed by people who at least have a handle on actual facts, rather than repeating the rantings of a right wing internet sites! Regrettably you have been called out so often for spouting utter garbage that even if you did accidentally have a point no notice would be made.