Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
As someone in similar circumstances but a bit older than you, I fully understand what you are saying. I have three daughters and a granddaughter, and really welcome this progress. My concern is that some want to see an overnight change in attitudes, and that just isn't going to happen. When extreme examples get rammed down people's throats it can have the opposite effect. An example I mean is that a basically decent principle like political correctness has become a dirty word because extremes have been used to belittle it.
I'm not sure I feel that I want to take moral guidance from a generation that spawns Big Brother, Love Island, trolls others on the internet, is happier with blind dating someone they've met on the internet than someone who's tried to chat them up on the bus, rave around town on a Friday night having fueled themselves up on cheap cider wearing barely enough to cover themselves and want to party in the midst of a Covid lockdown.

But if they feel that handbags and skirts are the biggest worries they have then they are in for a big shock when the real world hits them.

Nonetheless our time has been and gone and I can only sit back, pray and attempt not to upset the sensitivities of your grandkids who I'm sure are paragons of common sense as are mine (I hope).