Todays daily Mail. (25/02/2021)

Israel passes law allowing names and phone numbers of anyone who has not been vaccinated to be shared by the government.
Israel is banking on vaccine passports to re-open its economy with gyms, hotels, restaurants and swimming pools , bars and restaurants open to those with a 'green pass' who have had two doses of a jab.

....But this news you got from TurfitesTalk yesterday. From your man in the danger zone, ( where you can mistake a mosquito for a phoockin Hamas rocket!!!) ....Watch this space !

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Israeli researchers say spirulina algae could reduce COVID mortality rate.
A team of scientists from Israel and Iceland have published research showing that an extract of spirulina algae has the potential to reduce the chances of COVID-19 patients developing a serious case of the disease. Spirulina is 70% effective in inhibiting the release of the cytokine TNF-a, a small signaling protein used by the immune system. Tzachor said that despite the special growth mechanism, the algae are a completely natural substance and should not produce any side effects.
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Silly Bernie:
Bernie Sanders slams Israel for not sending COVID vaccines to Palestinians.
"It is outrageous that Netanyahu would use spare vaccines to reward his foreign allies while so many Palestinians in the occupied territories are still waiting."

Israel has made its Vaccines available to more Arab Israelis than any Country including any Arab country in the world, no Arab Citizen has been denied, to the contrary. Any Palestinian working in Israel has been encouraged to get vaccinated.
The Oslo accords - which Israel signed with the Palestine Liberation Organisation - give the Palestinian Authority oversight of public health under the principles of self-determination.

Israel transferred the first batch of a Covid-19 vaccine to the Palestinians amid growing concerns over the disease’s spread in the neighboring West Bank and Gaza becoming a threat to the country. Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayeh said Monday that the authority would begin its own vaccination drive after the expected arrival of 50,000 vaccines from different sources, but mostly through Covax, in mid-February. Israel is contributing funds to the Covax program.