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Thread: O/T India a leading country......I think not.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    O/T India a leading country......I think not.

    They're sending missions into space like they're the new super power, their country is in utter turmoil and now this. What a disgusting deplorable set of Government w.ankers they are when poor people have to stoop to this....

    The bodies of at least 40 people have washed up on the banks of the Ganges river in northern India, officials say.
    The discovery, near the border between the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, was confirmed to the BBC on Monday.
    It is not clear how the bodies came to be there, but local media reports suggest they may be Covid-19 victims.
    Some media reports say as many as 100 bodies have been found, and that their condition suggests they may have been in the river for several days.
    "There is a possibility that these bodies have come out of Uttar Pradesh," a local official, Ashok Kumar, told the BBC after questioning local residents. He said the remains would be buried or cremated.

    Officials said the bodies appeared to be bloated and partially burnt, and that they may have ended up in the river as part of the practice of cremating victims of coronavirus along the river Ganges in Uttar Pradesh, India's NDTV news channel reported.

    Some local residents and journalists told BBC Hindi a shortage of wood for cremations and the rising costs associated with funerals were leaving some families with no option but to put the bodies of loved ones who had died from coronavirus directly into the river.

    Local resident Chandra Mohan said: "Private hospitals are looting people. Common people are not left with money to pay a priest and spend more on cremation at the river bank. They are asking 2,000 rupees [£20; $27] just to get the corpse out of the ambulance. The river has become their last recourse so people are immersing corpses in the river."
    Uttar Pradesh is India's most populous state.

    A second wave of the virus is ravaging parts of India, with deaths rising significantly in recent weeks. Most of the country's crematoriums have run out of spaces. The country is now the epicentre of the global pandemic.
    India has recorded more than 22.6 million coronavirus cases and 246,116 Covid-related deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to Johns Hopkins University data. Experts believe the real death toll could be far higher.

    And we send aids to these incompetent two hats? It makes you seethe.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    India have their priorities wrong. Space program, nuk weapons, massive armed forces that dwarf ours . Money better spent on its people. Suppose the same could be said bout us .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Yep agree Stoves. To be fair they don't get on with their next door neighbours very well traditionally do they. Maybe thats why they are a bit defence minded.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Yep agree Stoves. To be fair they don't get on with their next door neighbours very well traditionally do they. Maybe thats why they are a bit defence minded.
    true bout their neighbours so I do understand why they have to be strong. It’s getting that balance . I would like to see the uk get rid of our nukes. Money better spent on our emergency services. Keep strong conventional armed forces tho .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Stovicmiller View Post
    true bout their neighbours so I do understand why they have to be strong. It’s getting that balance . I would like to see the uk get rid of our nukes. Money better spent on our emergency services. Keep strong conventional armed forces tho .
    Yep Russia & China would love us to get rid off our nuclear power.I think they have already tested the world with COVID just a trial run.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolmorgan View Post
    Yep Russia & China would love us to get rid off our nuclear power.I think they have already tested the world with COVID just a trial run.
    As it stands, one press of a button from any country and the world will be over as we know it. Stovic has a point where if we disarm our nukes and spend the money elsewhere, it's supporting and sorting the country out.

    All we'd get out of it if we retained them and were attacked, would be to fire back and what would that bring? We should ban all nukes and boost the land forces in case of invasion which is unlikely to happen anyway.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Agree Brin. Once the first one goes off, it will be one massive fireworks display on planet Earth for any being who may see it in outer space. There is no way we will get to use a nuclear weapon without having one fired back at us. It wunt take a very big one to wipe out most of the population of the UK one way or the other.

    Warfare is changing anyway. The Russkies and Chinese are just as likely to knacker us up using the cyber route.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Stovicmiller View Post
    true bout their neighbours so I do understand why they have to be strong. It’s getting that balance . I would like to see the uk get rid of our nukes. Money better spent on our emergency services. Keep strong conventional armed forces tho .
    They wouldn't spend it better though, we know that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It funny how we can see things in other countries but fail to recognise them of our own.

    Your concern here seems to be that poor governance has led to India being the epicenter of a global pandemic.

    Guess what, incompetence (late into lockdown compared to our European neighbours) led to Britain being the center of the pandemic at one point.

    Yet inexplicably this country is so misinformed it seems to be voting for more of the same. We are on a terrifying downard spiral and people are just oblivious or in denial.

    I'm a bit cynical of the motivations for international aid. Ironically I think a lot of the people who complain about it also love to boast of Britain's status on the global stage. I think if we cut off the aid to countries like India they might be quite suprised at the hit that to our influence and status.

    A few years ago I spent a few months backpacking India and I went to Varanassi in Uttar Pradesh. Witnessing them burn the bodies on the riverbanks of the ganges is quite an extraordinary sight. You encounter families gathered around the bodies of their deceased loved ones in the narrow streets saying final farewells before their journey to the river. Such a radically different culture.

  10. #10
    Another apologist's soapbox


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