Quote Originally Posted by BCram View Post
Then why do they get so many votes? I don't believe that there is a majority of Scots who want independence but I don't see how we can move away from the grievance politics that distract from what Holyrood should be delivering. Maybe Labour can claim back the votes they lost to the SNP but it seems that old style socialist policies are unpopular. Could they learn from Scandinavian style socialism?
Some people I imagine see other countries as small and smaller than Scotland do OK.
The country is divided and I agree until we get some decent alternatives to what is out there at the moment it will remain so.
I can see both arguments quite clearly, brexit I thought cud have cost me my job of 18 years but thankfully didn't. I know some family and friends fear for theirs if independence happens I get that.
Shame their is a divide but we desperately need a strong party to be.
1.more in touch with the people and 2.an alternative to the snp.