Quote Originally Posted by VillaRosie View Post
Turned into a disaster picking my team as per normal I ran out of money and 3 players short. �� ��

Found it quite difficult but eventually managed to keep in budget but as you say will be tweaking the team. ��

Notice a change of team name already for Sam and Bongo and David means business this season rejoining the league before Uncle Picasso. ��


A mixture of good days and bad days but at least not using the zimmers anymore so that’s progress I guess. Thanks for asking ❤️��x
Hey Rosie,

I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were getting on, and so pleased to hear you are no longer using the zimmers, and are having at least some good days now. I know when you are living with any kind of injury or illness yourself, it's different, and it seems like an eternity. xx

You are doing so much better than me on the FL front. I'm still on auto-complete, and probably will be until the beginning of August Don't tell Sam though, I'm letting him think I've got in the know contacts re transfers and my Warriors are in intensive summer camp training

You keep looking after yourself Love Winnie xxx