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Thread: Paul Conway on Dee Dar Duck ….. he sounds a reight tw@t !!!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    If sumdi can explain to me--

    1 Why did these charlatans buy Barnsley FC ?

    2 What is their "end game"/ exit strategy ?

    I knew the answers with the Crynes, he bought the club as a fan to save its existence following administration, he saw himself as a "custodian" willing to sell. The eventual events accelerated by his death prognosis caused the club's sale to these charlatans for only £8 million, hardly a huge profit after 14 years of ownership involving loans not repaid.
    I haven't a clue why these owners are here as part of a growing portfolio of clubs or what is their anticipated business return. Can anyone tell me ?
    The more I find out about the ground situation I can't help but think Cryne saw them coming? This covenant stops the land being used for anything other than sport. The problem is it hamstrings the club at the same time. I don't care if the training pitches become a Tesco or high class apartments as long as they build a new West Stand and Supporters bar and the team are doing well on the pitch. They offer improvements across the board but aren't being allowed to. They bought the club they should be allowed to have the land themselves and do as they see fit. I don't think for one minute they'd sell the club off or put the club in jeopardy. They didn't with Nice.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    It's perhaps a grey area for many where the current owners are concerned. As ever I will try to be fair in my summary and see it from both sides.

    The negatives-

    They are foreign business people and have no affiliation to the town of Barnsley which automatically got suspicion aroused when they bought the club. That's fair comment for me. I still can't figure out why they're here to be honest!

    They've not exactly endeared themselves to many of our supporters by the lack of communication. Many of us are mystified as to what the bloody hell is going on at times.

    The threat to relocate away from oakwell to laik our home games in Lancashire was frankly an insult.

    The way they went about things at Nice was distasteful to say the least. SB did some great homework on the PMG and brought us some good accurate information which again didn't set a great precedent as to what their intentions are here.

    The sacking of Daniel Stendel and subsequent 21 word statement left a lot to be desired. It was handled very poorly indeed.

    The naivety shown in 2019 selling Pinnock, Lindsay, Moore and Potts. Also letting Adam Davies leave on a free transfer and replacing all our proven talent with Championship novices was baffling and set the club back potentially 2 years.

    The gibberish Conway spouted afooar the home game wi Luton in 2019(best transfer window ever etc) was ill advised. Some supporters saw straight through it.

    The appointment of Jose Morais (Mourinhos ex cone man) was very poor.

    The Watford pre season friendly cancellation was handled extremely poorly and lacked class.

    The positives-

    They have brought the club an identity. They decided to employ a high press system with young energetic hungry footballers and it has been refreshing in my opinion.

    The players in the squad are targeted by statistics and data, scouted, then brought in if reasonable terms can be agreed.

    They run the financial side efficiently and prudently ensuring that the club lives off it's own means and doesn't get heavily into debt.

    Their last 3 head coach appointments (Stendel, Struber,Ismael) have all progressed the club on the pitch and made us a competitive Championship outfit. Hopefully the latest appointment Markus Schopp can emulate his predecessors and take the club on further.

    They seem to have learned from previous mistakes and keep more continuity within the playing squad by not selling all our best players every transfer window.

    The signings have been very good in the last twelve months. Dike (although only on loan) was a brilliant coup and took us from mid table to top 6. Morris, Helik and Brittain were excellent acquisitions. Kitching looks another great buy, so too Benson.

    In summary I think the club has gone from strength to strength under the current owners. We have an objective other than survival which was the previous owners objective. With all due respect to Patrick Cryne we were going nowhere. As the fans used to chant a song that summed us up perfectly- "We're not going down and we're not going up, we're barnsley fc and we don't give a fk"

    We've gone from existing to actually living. We have a purpose, an aim. I agree with Nudger that times at present are exciting. However, I'm realistic too. I don't expect us to challenge the top 6 this season with the change in our style of play but I'm confident we'll be comfortably mid table and possibly top 10. That'll do for me. Keep building and improving. Build the profile of the club year by year.

    It could be a shyte site worse. Thaz only got to look at the goings on darn the road at S6 to realize that and also the many other mis managed clubs around the country. There's obviously plusses and minuses with the PMG but for those wanting them to sell, my advice is be careful what you wish for.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by SBRed48 View Post
    If sumdi can explain to me--

    1 Why did these charlatans buy Barnsley FC ?

    2 What is their "end game"/ exit strategy ?

    I knew the answers with the Crynes, he bought the club as a fan to save its existence following administration, he saw himself as a "custodian" willing to sell. The eventual events accelerated by his death prognosis caused the club's sale to these charlatans for only £8 million, hardly a huge profit after 14 years of ownership involving loans not repaid.
    I haven't a clue why these owners are here as part of a growing portfolio of clubs or what is their anticipated business return. Can anyone tell me ?
    1. Don't know
    2. Don't know

    They're both very good questions SB that I've puzzled over myself. One thing's for sure, we won't be told the answers to either question; we'll have to wait and see what happens. Clearly it involves some strategy within European football.
    I don't understand why anyone would want to buy a football club other than for the love of the club. Invariably, it seems to end in ruin. If I wanted to invest money it wouldn't be in football club. So we have to be thankful that these current owners do want to take a chance on our club.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by pass_and_move View Post
    It's perhaps a grey area for many where the current owners are concerned. As ever I will try to be fair in my summary and see it from both sides.

    The negatives-

    They are foreign business people and have no affiliation to the town of Barnsley which automatically got suspicion aroused when they bought the club. That's fair comment for me. I still can't figure out why they're here to be honest!

    They've not exactly endeared themselves to many of our supporters by the lack of communication. Many of us are mystified as to what the bloody hell is going on at times.

    The threat to relocate away from oakwell to laik our home games in Lancashire was frankly an insult.

    The way they went about things at Nice was distasteful to say the least. SB did some great homework on the PMG and brought us some good accurate information which again didn't set a great precedent as to what their intentions are here.

    The sacking of Daniel Stendel and subsequent 21 word statement left a lot to be desired. It was handled very poorly indeed.

    The naivety shown in 2019 selling Pinnock, Lindsay, Moore and Potts. Also letting Adam Davies leave on a free transfer and replacing all our proven talent with Championship novices was baffling and set the club back potentially 2 years.

    The gibberish Conway spouted afooar the home game wi Luton in 2019(best transfer window ever etc) was ill advised. Some supporters saw straight through it.

    The appointment of Jose Morais (Mourinhos ex cone man) was very poor.

    The Watford pre season friendly cancellation was handled extremely poorly and lacked class.

    The positives-

    They have brought the club an identity. They decided to employ a high press system with young energetic hungry footballers and it has been refreshing in my opinion.

    The players in the squad are targeted by statistics and data, scouted, then brought in if reasonable terms can be agreed.

    They run the financial side efficiently and prudently ensuring that the club lives off it's own means and doesn't get heavily into debt.

    Their last 3 head coach appointments (Stendel, Struber,Ismael) have all progressed the club on the pitch and made us a competitive Championship outfit. Hopefully the latest appointment Markus Schopp can emulate his predecessors and take the club on further.

    They seem to have learned from previous mistakes and keep more continuity within the playing squad by not selling all our best players every transfer window.

    The signings have been very good in the last twelve months. Dike (although only on loan) was a brilliant coup and took us from mid table to top 6. Morris, Helik and Brittain were excellent acquisitions. Kitching looks another great buy, so too Benson.

    In summary I think the club has gone from strength to strength under the current owners. We have an objective other than survival which was the previous owners objective. With all due respect to Patrick Cryne we were going nowhere. As the fans used to chant a song that summed us up perfectly- "We're not going down and we're not going up, we're barnsley fc and we don't give a fk"

    We've gone from existing to actually living. We have a purpose, an aim. I agree with Nudger that times at present are exciting. However, I'm realistic too. I don't expect us to challenge the top 6 this season with the change in our style of play but I'm confident we'll be comfortably mid table and possibly top 10. That'll do for me. Keep building and improving. Build the profile of the club year by year.

    It could be a shyte site worse. Thaz only got to look at the goings on darn the road at S6 to realize that and also the many other mis managed clubs around the country. There's obviously plusses and minuses with the PMG but for those wanting them to sell, my advice is be careful what you wish for.
    Well said Pass

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yeah well said Pass. I agreed with them sacking Stendel but apart from that. Agree with everything you've posted.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I’ve just listened to the full 19 minutes of the Radio Sheff interview - and it’s brilliant!!!
    Exciting times ahead.
    As I said earlier - Conway sounds like a business man you wouldn’t want to cross.
    He seems like a fella who some people would find difficult to work for.
    And that’s exactly why he fits Barnsley Football Club.

    According to our Paul …. Barnsley Football Club is now the leading organisation in Britain with regard to immigration matters.
    Last edited by Young_Nudger; 27-08-2021 at 02:17 PM.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Great post Pass

    The only thing I would add is that in my opinion being owned by a consortium is a better situation than a sole owner.

    With better communication and a wish that the Crynes and Chien Conway & Co could make up and own the ground together then to me would be really Happy Days.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Barnsley Chop View Post
    Great post Pass

    The only thing I would add is that in my opinion being owned by a consortium is a better situation than a sole owner.

    With better communication and a wish that the Crynes and Chien Conway & Co could make up and own the ground together then to me would be really Happy Days.
    Good point Chops and it's an issue that needs resolving one way or another, as does the remaining installments owed to the Cryne family by PMG. Now, who was it that used to say "we are stronger together" 💪

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Just read the "Update from Paul Conway" on the Official Website, Two reactions--

    1 Laughter

    2 What a load of old pony

    I noted in particular-

    No word of thanks for Honest Dane, Just said his contract ran out

    He said he left OGC Nice because the fans had turned against him. No wonder. He sold all their best players at a tranfer surplus of £41 million, which "disappeared" after creative accounting, suggestions that a loan paid for by the club was used to buy Nice, the club was sold for around £90 mill after being purchased for around £30 mill.

    He has given up on buying the 50% share of Oakwell because he can't get "clean title on the deeds" ie he will not have the freedom to do what he wants with Oakwell. The requirement for it to remain a sporting area would remain and he does not like that. When football historians look back on this period the protection of Oakwell from Conway's grasp will go down as the most important thing to happen for decades.

    His idea of playing elsewhere or a groundshare is still on the table.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Read all these my take on the ground thing why no statement from bmbc if they don't day owt how do we know if Conway is fibbing ?

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