Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
The BBC are mainly their own enemy rather than trying to bash the written press yet again.

Saville, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall.

Cover up after cover up.

Achingly Left Wing presenters on major programmes.

Constantly bashing the Tory Party.

Drowning in a “Woke” agenda and BLM type stuff.

Nothing “impartial” about this institution at all.
I watch Question Time regularly, I think right wing, pro Brexit, pro Tory audience and panel members make up more than 50% of the program. I've lost count of how often Farage has been a panelist on there.

I watch Newsnight every now and again, it was infuriating for me to see them put people, particularly Leavers, who had no proper International Trade experience talking about International Trade throughout the EU Referendum and subsequent fall out of the vote.

My gripe with the BBC, is they sometimes try and be 'too balanced' and as such, misinformation can be spewed. This was particularly true with Brexit, and still is the case with other topics. I don't think they call out this Govt enough for how bad they are, and not because they are biased one way or the other - but in the interests of balance.

Its incredible people think like you. But many people do, and given the airtime the BBC give to Farage and his ilk, I think that proves how far the BBC strive for impartiality. And I try to understand what is driving your thought process, and I can only come to this conclusion. The DM have a clear campaign against the BBC.

People on the left think they are too far right, people on the right think they are left. They will never win because of how polarised we are becoming.