Quote Originally Posted by CheezyNCFC View Post
Bit early for this I know but can't stop wondering...

Does promotion mean we'll be able to keep hold of Ruben?

I always suspected when it was mentioned post match earlier on in the season and he gave the camera a little wink that if we got promoted he would sign a contract extension... wasn't anywhere near his best in the last couple of games but undoubedly our best player when he's on it and has been consistently class.

Does this mean we now have a realistic chance of signing Jodi Jones?

Should Slocombe still be our #1 next season if we bring another keeper in?

Will EFL football for Notts now be a significant detterant to ward off interest in Langstaff? It would take something substantial for our owners to even consider it and I doub't now that anyone below the Championship would have enough of a draw for Macca to want to leave.

Can't wait to see who we're linked with, buzzing for next season - Keep the core of the team and bring in some class editions, I reckon we'll be able to give the playoff's a right good go. COYP.
1) I think so
2) Yes
3) No
4) Probably not, but we're less likely to get low balled on the fee