Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Parkstone View Post
I guess Bird, Cashin and Sibley may be vulnerable to our ex managers raisings and we could leverage that to our advantage IF, and it's a big IF we want to become a lower league farm club. If we sell, can we even use the funds to strengthen? If we sell we will have flogged all the crown jewels if the academy and in my mind will tear the soul out of the club. Will just be left with a team of journeyman pros with no connection to the club.

If we have ambition, we won't sell but the players, if they have ambition, may want to go and we may need the cash. The usual lower league dilemma.

We do need to bring in new players but not at any cost. If we can retain those three (and get them to commit in the summer if we go up) we might have a base to build on in Championship If we sell to bring in a few more journeymen, we won't have a base even if we go up.

It's a risk either way - to stick or twist. Personally I'd stick, but it may be out of Paw's hands
I’m with you on that one, certainly as far as Cashin is concerned. There was talk of £4m to Brighton at the end of the summer and I guess that might be difficult to resist, but my question would be...can we get anything better or more reliable and Cash, in particular, does represent the ‘soul’ of the club.