Quote Originally Posted by baggieal View Post
Sorry Boingy that link means jack s hit! I agree though in any war civilians can get innocently killed but:

Are you saying the Americans purposely bombed innocent civilians daily and sent targeted precision missiles into civilian hospitals and shopping malls? The Russians have raped and executed innocent civilians too and do you honestly think ( apart from the odd incident ) that democratic countries like the US or U.K. would do this? The difference is the Russian government are terrorists - pure and evil. The West need to wake up fast!
The US dropped napalm bombs onto innocent villagers in Vietnam.

The US were still excluding blacks from many places in the 60’s and beating them.

All of this upholding the Americans as paragons of virtue is just ridiculous.

They are possibly the most morally bankrupt nation on earth, they always do what’s best for them at any given moment and swop sides to suit as well.