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Thread: Possibly the worst commentator ever?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Possibly the worst commentator ever?

    I am watching the Portsmouth v Derby match but the sound has had to go off owing to possibly the worst co-commentator that I have ever heard, Aaron MacClean. The bloke can barely speak English, constantly shouts, tells you absolutely nothing, taking ‘moronic’ to a new level. Why, oh why, do broadcasters seem to be intent on inflicting these morons on us?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kettering_baggie View Post
    I am watching the Portsmouth v Derby match but the sound has had to go off owing to possibly the worst co-commentator that I have ever heard, Aaron MacClean. The bloke can barely speak English, constantly shouts, tells you absolutely nothing, taking ‘moronic’ to a new level. Why, oh why, do broadcasters seem to be intent on inflicting these morons on us?
    McLean is thicker than a 14 year old’s Jizz, he’s impossible to listen to.

    He’s making Clinton Morrison look like Kenneth Wolstenholme.

    I feel there is an agenda on SKY that’s not just based on forcing gender and racial equality down our throats but also a “jobs for the boys” situation going on.

    People who are “mates” are making sure a lot of these fk wits get reporting jobs.

    Lee Hendrie is another who takes a chainsaw to the English language, the bloke is an imbecile.

    Jamie Mackie can’t p I s s and miss his shoes, how’s he getting on Gillette Soccer?

    How come Goodman has started creeping into Premier League games when he’s not capable of League Two summaries?

    That Sue Smith or whatever his name is, I can’t stand him!

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011
    Although an utter knob of mutual acquaintance in years gone by with an irritatingly grating voice and pixie ears I've always thought Lee Hendrie talks more sense than most of the other s hit for brains fkwhits on TV when it comes to football.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Albionic68 View Post
    Although an utter knob of mutual acquaintance in years gone by with an irritatingly grating voice and pixie ears I've always thought Lee Hendrie talks more sense than most of the other s hit for brains fkwhits on TV when it comes to football.
    If only he spoke it in English.

    He might then possibly be the footballing sage of this generation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by mickd1961 View Post
    If only he spoke it in English.

    He might then possibly be the footballing sage of this generation.
    Partly the fault of social media content in general the world over. People are to use to talking shyte about silly things that to put a few decent words together is difficult if nigh on impossible for many. And to do it for nearly two hours is just a task that proves too much for many.
    The only saving grace for theses people is that listeners have a far less attention span then the talker..
    It's a generation thing.
    Those born in the last century will have comparison to understand the difference. I grew up with radio on for news/sport and so you paid attention to what you were listening to. You had to. And the talker always had a great use of the language to develop the picture in your mind.
    Today I prefer to listen to a game on radion then to watch cause I can multitask. A disipline born out of radio. TV and socail media while increasing communications has paradoxically made it harder for people to communicate.
    Just on this subject, there was female radio newsreader over here on the air around the early 70's....She had such a s e x y voice, that no news story sounded very bad and the economy was always up. Lost many a bowl of ice cream listening to her..
    She was radio p o r n right there.
    Anyway I digress cause I can't sleep....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I have to disagree regarding Sue Smith. She is one of the few female pundits worth listening to as she is both concise and describes situations and incidents clearly in order that you can understand exactly what has occurred. I totally agree regarding McLean but have to admit that although Morrison crucifies the English language, as Merson does, he is entertaining and a good watch. I don’t mind Hendrie either. What has to be remembered is that they are not there for their intellectual attributes but their knowledge of the game although I must admit, there are limits, e.g. McLean.
    Last edited by Leicesterbaggie; 03-04-2024 at 05:58 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    It seems there’s no command of the English language needed at all now. “Fings”…penuliee…is commonplace now. Maybe because discrimination is a big thing now it also means you can’t criticise even if there’s a valid reason.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by boingy View Post
    It seems there’s no command of the English language needed at all now. “Fings”…penuliee…is commonplace now. Maybe because discrimination is a big thing now it also means you can’t criticise even if there’s a valid reason.
    You're right Boingy. Fings ain't wot they used t'be!

  9. #9
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    Jul 2011
    Chris Iwelumo is one of the worst for me. It's difficult enough following his accent as it is but he speaks so fast that he constantly trips over his own words while murdering the English language.

    I catch his thoughts every now and again and thank the stars I didn't understand the rest of what he's said because based purely on snippets he talks utter s hite.

    I've posted this before but I swear he could end up being the first football commentator to choke himself to death with his own tongue live on air while overexcitedly burbling inane cr@p

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Sadly, the days of people like Davies, Moore, Coleman and Motson are long gone and I too despair at much of what passes today for football commentary (as I increasingly do of its punditry). That said, I do admit to enjoying listening to Gez & AJ on Albion Radio/TV.

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