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Thread: The end is nigh?

  1. #1

    The end is nigh?

    Well, an extremely disappointing last quarter of the season-we can harp on about injuries till the cows come home but injuries we have had shouldn't allow team after team to waltz through our defence like a knife through butter.
    Yes, Dawson has been missing for this period but if we are reliant on a 34 year old we really are in trouble. Not a sleight on Dawson by the way.

    It's been said we have to sell to buy yet again this Summer, I expect RAN to join a bigger club and good luck to him. Gomes will be sought after and may well leave as may Pedro Neto but clubs maybe wary of a player that constantly struggles to play half a season at best.

    I can see us hoping the next three teams getting promoted are worse than the present relegated clubs even though all three clubs have taken points off us this season.

    I think we may well be relegated next season.

    The weathers nice at the moment though

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hi mate. I agree completely with the first paragraph but I'm a bit more optimistic than you are in the last one. Yes, I think it will be tough, and we're going to have to sell some our most valuable assets to generate funds to rebuild the squad.

    The last 6 weeks have highlighted the fact we need a bigger squad, whether we can generate enough funds to do that is my biggest concern.

    I think Gary O'Neil has done a good enough job to be given an extended contract, but I can't deny his implementation of what he's had available, given the injuries over this time couldn't have been used better. Just niggling doubts still linger in the back of my mind!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    one win ( against the mighty luton ) from the last eleven games , including eight defeats.
    the lowest table finish position since we came up.
    knocked out of both cups by championship teams

    some record that gary.

    leicester.ipswich and leeds/saints to join the prem.

    hard pressed to find one team that will finish below us next season, let alone three,

    the championship surely beckons

  4. #4
    Hate to say it but I think some may need to lose the rose tinted glasses.

    Reliant on a player that will either leave in the summer or will get injured (yet again) isn't the most promising scenario.

    Neto is an exciting player but let's be honest, he's a crock. Anyone questioning this have a look at his appearance record since joining Wolves. That's not unlucky as some seem to think, it's a problem.

    With the talk of having to sell to buy yet again, the **** that is Jeff Shi will be asking GON exactly the same question he asked at the start of this season.

    Can you keep us up?

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