Quote Originally Posted by MAD_MAGPIE View Post
I posted on here at the time that the players would have to go through the grieving process having lost their leader but a couple on here did not seem to appreciate that or take that as a valid reason for being partly responsible for our form dropping off a cliff. It was clear to see that the players loved LW and many fans did as well. They are professional but human like everyone.

When such a popular leader leaves a club it’s going to go through a period of instability as things settle down and adjust. I envisage something similar could happen at Liverpool when Klopp goes.

This is one of the reasons why I think SM was given the season and has been given time to have his own squad, and it also gives the club time to address the failures and shortcomings from last season that hampered LW towards the end and SM throughout. Whilst this summers recruitment will be key keeping the likes of Jodi Jones, Macca and a returning Matty Palmer will be massive.
I agree and possibly this is the reason, or a reason, why our form was dipping prior to LW leaving as he was linked to Oxford,
That must have unsettled the squad some what.

JJ has been immense since arriving and I hope he's here for the foreseeable but also don't want to see him see out the contract and leave for free.