Prediction League 2024/2025 Season

[i]Watch this space, but...[/]

The 22nd season of the PL will kick off on tbd and, as ever, all are more than welcome to play - the more diverse the merrier!

The "official" home for this competition is the Leeds United Mad website.

Last season, we had competitors from several different clubs, so if you want to show that you know the most about football, here is your chance.

The format of the competition is simple in its, errrr, simplicity..

There will typically be four fixtures listed at the start of each week (usually Monday) that will take place the following weekend with one match from each of the four top English divisions.

The aim is to include every football club at home and on their travels - so the fixtures might not always be the most obvious or glamorous - which means you'll need to be aware of how each league is unfolding, although blind luck also sometimes works just as well??..

Your job is to simply make a prediction of the finishing scoreline for each fixture at the end of the regulation ninety minutes PRIOR to the games kicking off.

If you predict the correct outcome (e.g. you predict a 2-1 home win and the home team wins 4-1), you score three points.

If you predict the exact scoreline (i.e. if you had predicted a 4-1 home win in the game above) you pick up an additional three points.

So, there are potentially six points available from each of the four fixtures, with 24 points the normal maximum available each weekend.

No points are scored in the event of an incorrect outcome.

Once the matches have finished, the results of the predictions are posted as a weekly league table and a separate topic is used to list the matches for the following weekend.

The poster with the most points after the last round of fixtures will be deemed the winner and will get a shiny new trophy to metaphorically or literally wave in front of their chums and foes.

There will also be a "cup" trophy up for grabs, but I'll fill you in on this nearer the time.

Easy, eh?

Okay, here's some fine print:-

This is a FREE competition and ALL are eligible to enter.

Unless advised to the contrary, there will be fixtures listed for EVERY weekend up until the final round of Premier League matches next year.

Bearing this in mind, some fixtures will be Internationals (probably featuring the Home countries) and some will be domestic cup competitions (e.g, FA Cup).

There may be more or less than four fixtures depending on circumstances.

Postponed or abandoned fixtures will not count for scoring purposes.

Since there may be weeks when you are unable to post, there are a couple of ways in which you can continue to be involved even if you can't otherwise check in.

1) There is an imaginary poster called Johnny Default who always predicts a 99-99 scoreline. For each fixture ending in a draw, Johnny scores three points for "predicting" the outcome, but he is logically ineligible for the additional three points for the correct scoreline.

2) If you miss or forget to predict the odd week, then you are assumed to be predicting as Johnny Default with the following conditions.

i) For the first week missed (strike one), you score per Johnny Default with three points for each draw.

ii) For the second consecutive week missed (strike two), you score per Johnny Default, but with two points for each draw.

iii) For the third consecutive week missed (strike three), you score per Johnny Default, but with one point for each draw.

iv) For the fourth consecutive week missed, you score nothing, and may be removed from the league (three strike rule), although you can always return at a later date from your original score.

As soon as you make an active prediction, all strikes are removed and you score as a "normal" poster.

New posters are allowed to join at any time from zero points. Lapsed posters are allowed to rejoin the league from the total points scored prior to their dormancy.

If you still have any questions (well done for reading this far!), please feel to fire away and I'll help if I can!

I hope to see old and new faces alike.

The first set of fixtures will be in a thread entitled "PL 2024/2025 - Fixtures for tbd".