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Thread: O/T:- Election

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyt1 View Post
    I think we all know Government needs some reform. The problem we have is that both Labour and the Conservatives are both soft left with more radical wings.
    Yeah, people have become jaded. Westminster is a breeding ground for incompetence and corruption. The same old career politicians squabbling over this or that in an attempt to score points. None of them would last a year in the private sector, where innovation and efficiency are necessary to survive. The entire public sector is wasteful and inefficient. Nothing works properly.

    Can't vote for the Tories because they're a bunch of ****s.
    Can't vote Labour because their instinct is to make government bigger, which isn't a great idea when the people that comprise the government are invariably incompetent.
    Last edited by slack_pie; 23-05-2024 at 09:58 AM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SwalePie View Post
    I've been saying the same for years! I've a strong feeling 'none of the above' might be first past the post too.
    Agree. I'm considering spoiling my ballot paper in the absence of 'none of the above'.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by cher1 View Post
    Agree. I'm considering spoiling my ballot paper in the absence of 'none of the above'.
    Anyone disillusioned with Westminster politics (as I certainly am) should just ignore what the parties are promising and vote for a good local candidate who you think will represent your area the best.

    I know it sounds obvious, but as an example: I know 2 current Labour candidates personally, both standing in this election. 1 is a Notts fan standing in a Nottingham seat who I know cares deeply about local issues... whereas the other is from London and has been parachuted into a seat in Staffordshire to further their career and tow the party line. The first I would vote for, the second I most certainly would not. I am still undecided but my vote will entirely be based on the strength of the candidates, as I think the best way to improve the country is to get rid of the careerist Westminster bubble politicians and replace them with decent people who will actually represent and fight for their constituents - whatever their party.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DomdomPie View Post
    Anyone disillusioned with Westminster politics (as I certainly am) should just ignore what the parties are promising and vote for a good local candidate who you think will represent your area the best.

    I know it sounds obvious, but as an example: I know 2 current Labour candidates personally, both standing in this election. 1 is a Notts fan standing in a Nottingham seat who I know cares deeply about local issues... whereas the other is from London and has been parachuted into a seat in Staffordshire to further their career and tow the party line. The first I would vote for, the second I most certainly would not. I am still undecided but my vote will entirely be based on the strength of the candidates, as I think the best way to improve the country is to get rid of the careerist Westminster bubble politicians and replace them with decent people who will actually represent and fight for their constituents - whatever their party.
    In the interest of balance, Ed Davey told me that he is a Notts fan. I wouldn't vote for the Lib Dems though.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyt1 View Post
    I think we all know Government needs some reform. The problem we have is that both Labour and the Conservatives are both soft left with more radical wings.
    Only on here would you see the Tories described as soft left. If Attila the Hun were a Notts fan, he would post on NCM.

    I will vote Labour, not with any great enthusiasm but because we've had the worst government in our history over the last few years and they need to go. Literally anyone would be better, and I suspect the 'none of the above' people are former Tories who feel let down by them.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Woodypie View Post
    In the interest of balance, Ed Davey told me that he is a Notts fan. I wouldn't vote for the Lib Dems though.
    Ha ha it was the caring about local issues etc. that would make me vote for them... but I didn't know that about Ed Davey!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by DomdomPie View Post
    Anyone disillusioned with Westminster politics (as I certainly am) should just ignore what the parties are promising and vote for a good local candidate who you think will represent your area the best.

    I know it sounds obvious, but as an example: I know 2 current Labour candidates personally, both standing in this election. 1 is a Notts fan standing in a Nottingham seat who I know cares deeply about local issues... whereas the other is from London and has been parachuted into a seat in Staffordshire to further their career and tow the party line. The first I would vote for, the second I most certainly would not. I am still undecided but my vote will entirely be based on the strength of the candidates, as I think the best way to improve the country is to get rid of the careerist Westminster bubble politicians and replace them with decent people who will actually represent and fight for their constituents - whatever their party.
    Excellent post. When I was last able to vote over there we had a local candidate, county councillor, excellent local record of getting things done and stood as an indepenent so she wasn't tied to party rules. Vs a robot Tory with no local links. She ran a great campaign and he hardly appeared. Guess who won and I suspect he will be in with a shout even now. What is wrong with people.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    For anyone interested, this is a pretty cool tool for understanding your political views. It's great that it plots political ideologies on a four-way spectrum, not just left-right but also authoritarian-libertarian.


    I take this test every year or two. It's interesting to see how my political views have changed over time. It also helps people who have been in one camp or another their entire lives (and vote accordingly by default) see which party represents them best. You can see where the parties sat on the compass during the last election here (can't find a more recent version):

    Last edited by slack_pie; 23-05-2024 at 02:34 PM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by DomdomPie View Post
    Anyone disillusioned with Westminster politics (as I certainly am) should just ignore what the parties are promising and vote for a good local candidate who you think will represent your area the best.

    I know it sounds obvious, but as an example: I know 2 current Labour candidates personally, both standing in this election. 1 is a Notts fan standing in a Nottingham seat who I know cares deeply about local issues... whereas the other is from London and has been parachuted into a seat in Staffordshire to further their career and tow the party line. The first I would vote for, the second I most certainly would not. I am still undecided but my vote will entirely be based on the strength of the candidates, as I think the best way to improve the country is to get rid of the careerist Westminster bubble politicians and replace them with decent people who will actually represent and fight for their constituents - whatever their party.
    Yes,Lillian Greenwood is a prime example of a good local councillor, she would get a good few Notts fans votes, she stood in our corner a couple of years ago,she is excellent.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    We have had this government in for 14 years and this will be the first parliament where living standards have declined in that time. It's time for a change.

    It is almost the official Tory party line now that politicians are all as bad as each other so you might as well vote for more of the same. This is a lie (add it to the long list from this rancid party). They are playing the British public for idiots, thankfully enough people will see though them to get rid of this rotten rubbish on July 4th.

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