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Thread: O/T:- Election

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    I have no great enthusiasm for labour ,but i will vote to get Mark Spencer out in Sherwood Forest ,if i were in a constiuency where the lib dems were second then i would vote for them.I will always vote,after all,women gave up their lives to get the vote,so it is my duty.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by slack_pie View Post
    For anyone interested, this is a pretty cool tool for understanding your political views. It's great that it plots political ideologies on a four-way spectrum, not just left-right but also authoritarian-libertarian.

    Interesting, I took the test and to my surprise came very close to the centre but slightly north-west in the pink box. That apparently makes me a mild leftist authoritarian. I would however have liked a 'neither agree or disagree' box because some answers were very borderline.

    Quote Originally Posted by slack_pie View Post
    I take this test every year or two. It's interesting to see how my political views have changed over time.
    My circumstances have changed quite a bit over time, but my political beliefs haven't changed at all. My beginnings could be described as humble, I was the eldest of five kids born on a council estate and had the piss taken out of me at school because I lived in a council house and we didn't have a car. I was brought up to work for it if you want something, and did just that. My circumstances now suggest that I should have become be a typical Tory voter, but hell will freeze over before that happens.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2024
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    Interesting, I took the test and to my surprise came very close to the centre but slightly north-west in the pink box. That apparently makes me a mild leftist authoritarian. I would however have liked a 'neither agree or disagree' box because some answers were very borderline.

    My circumstances have changed quite a bit over time, but my political beliefs haven't changed at all. My beginnings could be described as humble, I was the eldest of five kids born on a council estate and had the piss taken out of me at school because I lived in a council house and we didn't have a car. I was brought up to work for it if you want something, and did just that. My circumstances now suggest that I should have become be a typical Tory voter, but hell will freeze over before that happens.
    It's interesting and I'm not quite sure it reflects my views that well (libertarian left). My parents managed to buy their own house in the v early 60s, but that meant every holiday was either at my grandma's (she lived on the South coast) or in a tent, and my dad did every bit of overtime he could, and never went to the pub. I still love the South coast and I still hate tents (but love pubs!). I was lucky that I went to a good school and uni with a full grant. I'd never have had that chance with this lot, and I've banged in a load more tax than it ever cost the country to educate me.
    I fundamentally believe in two things: a genuine mixed economy (I believe capitalism and state ownership of some aspects are a fair combination) and that you should be allowed to fall in love with whoever you want (I am a straight male which makes life easier, but that shouldn't be the case). The state's role is to keep people safe, and own the infrastructure which keeps them healthy, can get them to work ready to work (not to have an essential sit down after travelling on our sh!t transport system - I worked in London for years and still live in the S-E), and will help industry succeed and I would constantly remind the unions that a state owned enterprise belongs to the whole country (including them) but not just them and if they don't like it they can do one.

    I haven't voted Labour since the 2nd Iraq war but have voted LD (but not for the totally and ironically illiberal Tim 'gays are evil' Farron, and Ed Davey may or may not be a Notts fan but he is also the most boring man in Britain) and Green. This election is about competence and, whilst I still have questions about Labour and its grounding in reality, the Tories are a shambles and we have a PM with absolutely no hinterland whatsoever. He has no interest in anything other than money. He's not necessarily bad, but he is shallow and narrow and 'eat out to kill folk and whack up the deficit' has been airbrushed out of existence a la Stalin.
    Last edited by M0ufMk3; 23-05-2024 at 08:06 PM. Reason: more info

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    Interesting, I took the test and to my surprise came very close to the centre but slightly north-west in the pink box. That apparently makes me a mild leftist authoritarian. I would however have liked a 'neither agree or disagree' box because some answers were very borderline.

    My circumstances have changed quite a bit over time, but my political beliefs haven't changed at all. My beginnings could be described as humble, I was the eldest of five kids born on a council estate and had the piss taken out of me at school because I lived in a council house and we didn't have a car. I was brought up to work for it if you want something, and did just that. My circumstances now suggest that I should have become be a typical Tory voter, but hell will freeze over before that happens.
    Great post Elite. I like the latter comments you made too. My upbringing was very similar. I was brought up in a hard-Labour area. I wouldn't say working class as hardly anybody there worked. I became politically and economically aware at a young age and have had an interest ever since. I should be a die-hard Labour voter, but I'd rather vote for a sink than anything that has red next to it.

    People see achievements of governments in different ways and fortunately, we are allowed to talk about this. I believe that the majority of politicians are in it for themselves or their benefactors, hence I don't believe any party that says it will look after anyone who is worse off than them. I also can't understand why anyone would vote for someone who has no understanding of commerce or finances (unless the voter is fiscally inept). They can't generate wealth, only spend it. We are paying for that failed experiment currently in New Zealand.

    Back to the survey........the first question turned me off a bit. It sounded very left-wing orientated. There were also questions in there that would have no relation to anyone's political bias. I also found it interesting how the questions kept referring to 'corporations', but never referred to the other side, i.e. Unitary Socialist/Communist states.

    Any road up, I am as below (apparently) .

    Name:  Screenshot 2024-05-24 103201.jpg
Views: 229
Size:  71.7 KB
    Last edited by Lullapie; 23-05-2024 at 10:44 PM.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SwalePie View Post
    I've been saying the same for years! I've a strong feeling 'none of the above' might be first past the post too.
    If you actually started a party called Z None of the above party you would position yourself correctly on the ballot sheet and probably pick up a lot of votes.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Mapperleypie View Post
    We have had this government in for 14 years and this will be the first parliament where living standards have declined in that time. It's time for a change.

    It is almost the official Tory party line now that politicians are all as bad as each other so you might as well vote for more of the same. This is a lie (add it to the long list from this rancid party). They are playing the British public for idiots, thankfully enough people will see though them to get rid of this rotten rubbish on July 4th.
    It is difficult, because there is a huge gap between the political doctrines of Labour and the Conservatives. I've always found it impossible to understand how someone could vote Labour at one election and Conservative at the next.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by The Dug Out View Post
    Yes,Lillian Greenwood is a prime example of a good local councillor, she would get a good few Notts fans votes, she stood in our corner a couple of years ago,she is excellent.
    Was it a short corner?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Woodypie View Post
    In the interest of balance, Ed Davey told me that he is a Notts fan. I wouldn't vote for the Lib Dems though.
    So was Harold Shipman.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mapperleypie View Post
    They are playing the British public for idiots, thankfully enough people will see though them to get rid of this rotten rubbish on July 4th.
    That much is certain - they're goners.

    I think all their calculations are based on damage-limitation. The voter suppression mindset now extended to the General Election. They'll have modelled outcomes based on having the election in every month from April to December and July will have been the 'least worst'. They want the country to be unprepared and distracted by holidays, an England run in the euros...

    They could have had 10% of their mandated time and governed until December, but they know that they are incapable of doing anything good or beneficial for the nation in that time, so it can only be about softening the beating they're going to get.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    Interesting, I took the test and to my surprise came very close to the centre but slightly north-west in the pink box. That apparently makes me a mild leftist authoritarian. I would however have liked a 'neither agree or disagree' box because some answers were very borderline.

    My circumstances have changed quite a bit over time, but my political beliefs haven't changed at all. My beginnings could be described as humble, I was the eldest of five kids born on a council estate and had the piss taken out of me at school because I lived in a council house and we didn't have a car. I was brought up to work for it if you want something, and did just that. My circumstances now suggest that I should have become be a typical Tory voter, but hell will freeze over before that happens.
    According to the compass, I'm a mild right libertarian, which I suppose does tally with the way I see things these days. I believe people should be left alone to get on with their lives as much as possible, both in terms of social and economic issues. I used to be a mild left libertarian (voted for Green a couple of elections ago), so I've drifted right over time.

    In terms of social issues, I think things have become skewed in recent years. Now, if you have hold mildly conservative views, you can easily be branded as some kind of right-wing lunatic by the left. It's become much more polarised in recent years, and people end up in two opposing camps on pretty much every major issue - COVID, Israel/Palestine, and so on.

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