Quote Originally Posted by ramAnag View Post
Bit pedantic, AF, but, to clarify…when I see the English or British flag raised in celebration/acknowledgement of sporting/Olympic victory I feel some degree of pride. When I see it carried by those who support the NF/EDL etc or associated with football related violence I feel only anger, resentment and, depending on circumstances, some small degree of fear.

To add a third category (which I doubt you’ll like) when I see those - often elderly people - enthusiastically waving their mini Union Jacks at a variety of, usually Royal, occasions I can’t help thinking they look a bit bonkers and hope they get home safely.
My sisters a royal ‘groupie’ and marvels at the strange demographic - old couples, mothers and daughters, ‘loose women’ groups (her words), gay men, ‘the lost and not yet found’ (lots of them), a few hisnds and wives but not many, almost zero hetero men. She’s positive royal groupidome is good for the mental health of those indulging