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Thread: The New Trump Thread

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Getintaethem View Post
    The civil war happened in Syria because of the lack of human rights not because a western democracy was thrust upon it. Remember the Spring uprising of people fighting against their dictators. That sort of thing has not happened in proper democracies for a while so I guess you can measure success by the lack of civil wars in comparison to places (i.e. dictatorships) that have had them and still do.

    North Korea is not a special case. In fact it is so low down the dictatorship league in terms of killing its own citizens and human rights that it will probably be relegated this season. You only think it is really bad (in comparison to the other despots around the world) because of the publicity it gets being in between the Western democracies and the old communist block.

    But if you want to compare roaring success of democracy - look no further than the economies of South and North Korea or their human rights records.

    How do you measure success? There are several variables. I guess one fundamental measure of success that we would both agree on is how many of your own citizens are killed by the Government (whether democratic or dictatorship). Dictatorships. Germany - Hilter - killed a mere 17 million (although he needed to invade a few other countries to get that number up - a bit of a cheat), Stalin beat him in the killing of innocents by a whopping 6 million. But in first place and the Barclays Despot of the Century was Mao who beat both put together and then doubled it to almost 80 million. That's not to mention Japan, Turkey, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Nigeria who were the minnows of the league only killing between 1 and 5 million of their own people. Amateurs.

    With the rise of the UN and Nato mass killings of citizens has gone out of fashion with dictators, as annoyingly they seem to get deposed, so they have fallen back on the lesser crime of human rights infringements.

    Well the top spots for human rights infringements go to the dictators as well. Zimbabwe, Sudan, North Korea, Burma, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran, Eritrea and the list goes on and on and on.

    The countries with the best human rights records are not dictatorships - they are democracies. Countries like New Zealand, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg and Canada.

    So democracy can be seen as a success purely cos we don't kill our own citizens or suffer from the human rights issues that happen with dictatorships. A rip roaring success if there ever was one.

    But wait, all the evidence that is needed that democracy does not work is Trump (Monster) that stops entry to his country to protect his own citizens (i.e. he wants to protect the human rights of his own people), for 90 days until they can put better controls in place, from countries that already had visa restrictions forced on them by Obama (Saint), where there are active terrorist training grounds whose terrorist groups have said they want to export those terrorists to kill Americans (in an act that is supported by the majority of the American people) and when those terrorist groups have already successfully killed citizens of European countries.

    But us Brits would not support such a monster - we even have a petition signed by lots of people that say we dont' want him to visit. Except the majority of people in the UK support him coming. Damned democracy.
    I don't have the attention span to read all that.

    Tough titty

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Pacman1903 View Post
    Good luck with that. He is only getting the amount of sh@t because people dont like him as a person. This is just an excuse to berate him more (but not others like you say). The world has many dislikeable people who have done alot worse than Trump but theres no Castlegate protest (complete with "Dont sell Mcginn sign". A sign that shows the seriousness of the bloody demo)

    I think the mock outrage that has came with his election is f@cking hillarious. Demos in Aberdeen, Demos is Glasgow etc. Utterly pointless and you should have went to the boozer and did something productive.

    But anyway this mock outrage that his election has caused the world over shows the state the world is in.

    Remember guys, he was voted in by the people that matter. His own people. Nae people who dinna matter, the people that dinna like him,the people who like to wave signs, touchy f@cks protesting the world over, nicola sturgeon, Peirce Morgan,the statue of liberty as its a f@cking statue and the rest. They are all irrelevamt

    Hes was voted in,deal with it. Sit back and enjoy the hysteria because its a hoot. If i get as good a laugh as i am now in 4 years, ill be chanting "4 more years, 4 more years, 4 more years"(even though im irrelevant)
    I don't understand your point. People don't like him as a person because he's a dick so why would they like him as a president?

    You could also argue that he was voted in with the system and not by the people since he didn't actually win the popular vote.

    Those voting for him have their own agendas. My sister in law and her family, despite being half Mexican, voted for him but they are also hardcore creationists and bigoted.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Getintaethem View Post
    One thing is for sure, Canada is royally screwed with Trump in the Whitehouse. They are busy putting up taxes while the US will lower them, increasing the costs of energy while the US will lower them and stopping visas for bogus immigrants while the US is increasing them. US companies will be moving back and Canadian companies will be moving operations to the US. Canada will lose jobs and its economy will be in the gutter well before they can vote out that Castro loving fool.

    Canada is screwed with or without Trump. That airhead Trudeau is doing a great job of mucking things up himself. And there is something a bit banana republic about having a prime minister whose Dad was also PM.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo1983 View Post
    I don't understand your point. People don't like him as a person because he's a dick so why would they like him as a president?

    You could also argue that he was voted in with the system and not by the people since he didn't actually win the popular vote.

    Those voting for him have their own agendas. My sister in law and her family, despite being half Mexican, voted for him but they are also hardcore creationists and bigoted.
    If he was a likeable guy before he was president he would not be copping the flack he is now.

    Its just fuel to the fire of hatred toward him

    I for one dinna give a f@ck. I spend 6 months in the Shire and 6 months in the Atlantic

    It does not affect me. Trump doesnt put me up nor down so i dinna really care

    But it makes good reading

    But i do get a laugh at the hysteria. So keep it up folks. Its a hoot

  5. #95
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I'm enjoying Trump being president. He is hilarious and annoys all the right people. 4 years of crooked Hillary would have been grim & miserable.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    I don't have the attention span to read all that.

    Tough titty
    Whatabouttery at its finest, although your obvious intellectual weaknesses are none of our concern.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Getintaethem View Post
    Whatabouttery at its finest, although your obvious intellectual weaknesses are none of our concern.
    Ooft, more whatabouttery.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo1983 View Post
    I don't understand your point.
    I note that you are incapable of making a point of your own other than slagging people as being "dicks" or "creationists" or being "bigots". Perhaps that is why you cannot understand perfectly simple lines of logic. As the expression goes, if you cannot win an argument play the man.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    Ooft, more whatabouttery.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jupiter View Post
    Canada is screwed with or without Trump. That airhead Trudeau is doing a great job of mucking things up himself. And there is something a bit banana republic about having a prime minister whose Dad was also PM.
    Could not agree more... a father that drooled over Castro gives more evidence to your banana republic thought.

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