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Thread: Site Moderation Discussion

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Reading the full thread I get the impression that some posters are just going to keep going until they get what they want.
    What that is I’m not sure but in my humble opinion there are 3-4 posters who have decided that they want the site like everything else now the minority rule the majority because of a pre conceived perception that if you don’t subscribe you are racist, right wing, homophobic ***ism etc.
    yes I’ve called out what I thought crossed the line but it got dealt with me and the poster.
    I didn’t want the whole forum changing.
    I would also question some intentions with all of this imo it looks a little suspicious of targeting one particular MOD with an hidden agenda.
    Grown men acting like children who are loving the friction it’s caused.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Back of the net View Post
    Reading the full thread I get the impression that some posters are just going to keep going until they get what they want.
    What that is I’m not sure but in my humble opinion there are 3-4 posters who have decided that they want the site like everything else now the minority rule the majority because of a pre conceived perception that if you don’t subscribe you are racist, right wing, homophobic ***ism etc.
    yes I’ve called out what I thought crossed the line but it got dealt with me and the poster.
    I didn’t want the whole forum changing.
    I would also question some intentions with all of this imo it looks a little suspicious of targeting one particular MOD with an hidden agenda.
    Grown men acting like children who are loving the friction it’s caused.
    I haven't seen any posts which suggest anyone has the tenacity to instigate change, just opinions and (in the main) very normal exchanges of ideas.

    Intrigued by the suspiciousness you mention. What do you think people are trying to gain? What sort of hidden agenda? Should the police be involved?

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    No I don’t think the police should be involved. What I do think should be involved is fully grown men grow the **** up. If the cap fits wear it as they say. 👍🏻

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Back of the net View Post
    No I don’t think the police should be involved. What I do think should be involved is fully grown men grow the **** up. If the cap fits wear it as they say. ����
    Phew. I can grab a brew in peace now, knowing the suspicious, hidden agenda is also absolutely nothing to worry about.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by frogmiller View Post
    Not wanting to do it isn't the same as not doing it.

    Regarding MillersMad, if you can look at it this way and it may help you understand a bit.

    If these site members were in a tap room then there'd be tables full of different mates that would naturally be drawn to one and other through opinions.
    Each person on those tables, the opinions would be stronger or weaker depending on their lifes experiences and some would also like the opinions on another table so would also join in with their conversation.
    Some people may enter the room have a walk round and think Fûck that I'm off.
    Some would walk around each table talling each group what was wrong with their opinions.
    One or two would constantly take the pîss out of another table and their opinions.
    One or two would be sat in a corner on their own talking about the same thing.

    Then someone would start a music conversation and most in the room would join in. Thes would be pleasurable and folk would talk about by gone days.

    A competition would start and most would join in. People would start taking the mick or having banter which would be met by more banter.

    But there is one thing to consider and that is the age of everyone in the room. I'm 54 I know personally a few that are in their 70's, some that are in their 60's and a couple that are in their 40's.
    That is a generation of ages that have seen and lived through so much society changes that they're bnot sure anymore what you can or can't say. What people will accept or won't and mainly the older ones feeling that they should be respected as an elder as they respected their elders when society was different to what t is now.

    A lot of us will not have grown up with gay people that were out. Trans people were a rare thing and statues of Winston Churchill were to be admired for leading the country through it's most difficult time.

    There ar men on here that were thelast miners and steel workers that helped form this great country and saw it step by step being dismantled. We've seen/are seeing a world changing so fast that some are being left behind.

    Not everyone knows what woke is and are actually quite happy to go along with being polite with a capacity of defending their possition.

    Regarding the N word! I have seen it once on here and the user was banned until he apologised to the whole site. It wasn't accepted when the site started and it isn't accepted today.!
    I don't think the tap room analogy really works. An issue with this site and the internet generally is that people can speak out online without the checks and balances of the real world.

    In a tap room it's possible to gauge the impact of their behaviour on others and react accordingly or face the consequences.

    It’s sad to see how quickly threads one here can turn from polite disagreement, into squabbling and finally into insults in fashion that might not happen in the pub, because of the potential consequences of becoming frozen out by the other drinkers or potentially thumped (I’m not advocating violence with that comment – merely suggesting that the risk of physical violence in the real world is a factor in making people act in a more measured and reasonable fashion).

    You and I have had our debates in recent times, but I think we kept it civil and respectful, in the main. I am grateful for that. And we did it despite a certain another poster jumping in to ‘stir it’ at one point.

  6. #106
    To summarise then....the mods do a good job generally policing a somewhat childish forum at times, which is populated by slightly racist, homophobic ,***ist,woke,anti woke,middle to old age white men who sometimes watch Rotherham United.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Cyber bullying who've tried it with me on here they're on my ignore list. Don't want to know. I don't mind people calling me for my views on Roth U but they take it further than that. Leave it at that.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Townerslovechild View Post
    As others have said,being a mod on what is at times, a very childish forum populated by some reyt attention seeking saddos,is a thankless task.
    Keep up the good work chaps,does that make me one of the "Favoured" by saying that ?
    Not to worry,I`ll try more pointless whingeing in future.
    Yep, looks like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Townerslovechild View Post
    IBS,you really are a first rate dick,for weeks you've been telling all how stupid we are going at supporting our team,now you are "giving them one last chance ".
    How big and generous of you,no one gives a f*ck.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by Townerslovechild View Post
    To summarise then....the mods do a good job generally policing a somewhat childish forum at times, which is populated by slightly racist, homophobic ,***ist,woke,anti woke,middle to old age white men who sometimes watch Rotherham United.
    Captain Paranoia says so:

    Quote Originally Posted by Back of the net View Post
    If the cap fits wear it as they say. ����

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by UlleyMiller View Post
    A couple of points:

    Firstly, this is your forum. Much like any self-contained ecosystem (whether a pub, home, knitting group), it can function however the majority decide, with an ongoing respect for any overarching owner/laws, etc. I don't believe Roly is concerned with arguments getting heated and how to deal with that, just moderating what he (and some others) believe to be crossing a line where a demographic is getting insulted.

    Secondly, 'woke' is just a way to describe an awareness of prejudice. It's (oddly) become both a pejorative term for people seen as overly sensitive to anything, and a compliment to those who consider social awareness and progressive thinking as positive.

    Whilst Kerr has a point that some lines of discussion, terms, etc are going to split a room, others are pretty straightforward. Anyone still pretending that the 'p word' is acceptable isn't being wholly honest (unfathomable that there's still a post with that in there, despite what appeared to be a genuine apology for the person who wrote it). You get the forum you want in the end, and if more members (or those with a sheriff badge) are comfortable with racial slurs, misogyny and homophobic insults, others will have to deal with being around that sort of thing, or leave. If it suits more to go the other way, then as I said previously, members have autonomy over how things are run.
    I was posting from my phone yesterday and so abbreviated my thoughts. I agree that there are some issues upon which the position is straightforward. Whether they agree with it or not, I think that most people would now know that the P or N words, for example, are wholly unacceptable on a public forum. On that, I note what Frog says about the banning of someone who chose to cross that line. I would suggest that no reasonable person would use such language other than to offend, provoke and insult.

    An issue, however, is that what is acceptable to the reasonable person changes over time creating large grey areas.

    I like to think that I am a liberal minded person (a certain poster has been known to liken me to Lord Longford as opposed to discussing issues upon which we hold differing views) who believes that any form of prejudice has no place in a civil society. That being said, I have found myself terribly embarrassed and full of regret when I have looked back at diaries that I maintained in my ****s and twenties (a long time ago) in which I used language and expressed some views that I now know to be wholly wrong and unacceptable. Was I a ‘bad’ person then? I was certainly ignorant and unthinking to think and write such things, but I cut myself a bit of slack by acknowledging that I was caught up in the language and attitude of that time.

    With the above in mind, I think we should all cut each other at least some slack (not least because we might be using language and holding views that we will know to be wrong in 20 years-time - it becomes statistically unlikely that I will be thinking anything at all much beyond that time frame).

    The above gets me to cup-cakes. I can’t recall seeing it being used on here and so don’t know the context, but until you mentioned it, I don’t think I would have immediately seen it as homophobic. Now you have mentioned it, I can see the argument, but much would turn upon the intention of the person using it.

    As I have said, I don’t know the context in which cup-cake was used, but if it was not obviously being used as a term of endearment, the question surely has to be why it was used at all. At best, it is patronising and provocative.

    Perhaps the site should operate to the ‘tap-room’ test. Would you call a complete stranger ‘cup-cake’ in a pub? I wouldn’t.
    Last edited by KerrAvon; 04-04-2024 at 11:12 AM.

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