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Thread: O/T Would You Welcome Another Referendum On Brexit ?

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by b1gduk View Post
    I know, the Sun has a lot to answer for. I never read it , I preferred to live in the real world and make my own mind up and Not be drip fed properganda by a Media tycoon who is kingpin at the top of our polical pyramid.
    Does anyone actually read newspapers anymore ?

  2. #162
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I’m off to Barcelona on the 18th of March..... Think we will get home ok? I can last about a week on Paella, but no more? My passport has six month and a day left when we leave and I’m also worried that they will be a massive import tax on the straw Donkey that I’m planning to bring back.......

  3. #163
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by b1gduk View Post
    We wanted to "Take back control" well we reap what we sow. Control in the hands of these self serving incompetant politicians. Control our borders, well this wont have any effect on non eu immigration which is by far the largest chunk and to say we didnt realise the impact OMG ... We should never have left such an important vote go to the people. Sorry ... it was always as any general election does, gets the "lets stick two fingers up votes". So now as the pound has slumps, commodities we buy in Dollars and Euros will rise, so we will see high prices in the shops and fuel pumps and utility bills we become the laughing stock of our closest allies and by largest trading block in the world instead of being held in high regard with concessions other nations couldn't manage. The problem now is even if we did change out mind, we are so discredited, we could never threaten to leave again and would have to adopt even more undesirable EU rules. We will lose many finance and industrial jobs as they go abroad (predicted all the way). Holidays are now 1/3 more expensive that they were 2 years ago so many families cannot afford a Spanish holiday now, hence the rise in Staycation breaks. Sadly the people that this will affect the most are those that rely on the sorts of jobs the EU relationship supports and the social rights protect. Was the EU perfect, far from it but we have many bigger issues facing us such as climate change, foreign terrorism and Russia where we need strong bond with the other great and civilised nations of Europe not alienate them not play Billy Big Britain and up yours. Its our Children that will feel the impact of this decision for decades to come and will not enjoy the freedoms of travel that we are so willing to throw away, just so we can say up yours.

    Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain .... Hello would those other trading nations rather do a deal with the EU into France Germany Spain Portugal Italy etc in other word, the largest trading block in the World ... or little Britain ? We will be marginalised ... It is not the 1970's anymore "we never used to be in the EU" ... All rosy way it back then was it ....

    We had record employment, we were paying down the deficit (although this is debatable that was the plan), our pound was strong £1.41 / Euro we played a key role in the largest trading block in the world. We could have sorted this from the inside, now we will have to pay to play a bit part role from the outside.

    Oh forgot to say... Get those fixed rate mortages in now while the interest rates are relatively low !

    Just to add a little balance to your view Duk
    self serving incompetent politicians are not confined to these isles in fact being governed by EU MP's is one of the reasons for the referendum result
    We are net contributors & don't forget we import far more than we export so the Germans,French , Italians & a few others have far more to to lose than we have
    It's no-ones fault than ours that migration from non EU is higher than from the EU & you can thank Maybots tenure as PM & her previous job for that
    Try looking at our holidays to all these countries like France Italy Spain Portugal Greece to see who will be more worried
    Will it be that bad that we spend our holidays in the UK we can always go to see the reason we have all these foreign visitors The Royal family
    Just to add balance like

  4. #164
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    It must be very confusing for you when holding the Labour line involves doing doing a 180 on the things that you have been saying for the last couple of years.

    The Labour position is bonkers. Their blind desire for power is going to deliver the very no deal Brexit that they have claimed to want to avoid.
    Yes I did say a GE was possibly the last thing the country needed right now which you haven't picked up on .

    I think I've also mentioned a huge change in my worklife that leaves the company I work at far more exposed to brexit than the previous one I earned my living at , the referendum took place when I worked there .

    Labour's position isn't entirely the same as its members who are driving the desire to see another referendum , the members have a significant voice .

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by red flagged View Post
    Theo, people voted for Brexit for many reasons. A few on here are quick to attempt to stifle a debate by throwing out the word racism.
    Please keep sharing your views I'm finding your posts very entertaining, it's all about opinions but no one likes being accused of racism and just because some folk who voted brexit did so for that reason doesn't mean we all did.

    I like the point about Tommy Wright which we've barely touched on and maybe could be a new thread ??

    Can I just ask are you Kieffer Moore's dad ?
    Don't be daft, just someone making a mess of standing up for a kid who i think is being robbed of his rightful place as one of the world's top strikers by people like Tommy Wright, who i also believe are backed up by bullies on these fake fan forum websites.

  6. #166
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    Just to add a little balance to your view Duk
    self serving incompetent politicians are not confined to these isles in fact being governed by EU MP's is one of the reasons for the referendum result
    We are net contributors & don't forget we import far more than we export so the Germans,French , Italians & a few others have far more to to lose than we have
    It's no-ones fault than ours that migration from non EU is higher than from the EU & you can thank Maybots tenure as PM & her previous job for that
    Try looking at our holidays to all these countries like France Italy Spain Portugal Greece to see who will be more worried
    Will it be that bad that we spend our holidays in the UK we can always go to see the reason we have all these foreign visitors The Royal family
    Just to add balance like
    You are regurgitating the arguments advanced by the likes of Farage and Johnson and in doing so are missing the point. The EU countries that currently export to the UK have a ready made alternative market by virtue of being part of a huge trading bloc. We won't.

    In addition, we can't feed ourselves as a country. We need to import food. The EU won't need to import cars from the UK as they have their own producers.

    It's the poor who will get hit. Food is not an optional purchase. And they may well no longer be able to afford their seven day escapes to Benidorm and Magaluf.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Yes I did say a GE was possibly the last thing the country needed right now which you haven't picked up on .

    I think I've also mentioned a huge change in my worklife that leaves the company I work at far more exposed to brexit than the previous one I earned my living at , the referendum took place when I worked there .

    Labour's position isn't entirely the same as its members who are driving the desire to see another referendum , the members have a significant voice .
    I'm curious about exactly when the huge change in your worklife occurred given your comments earlier in the month. You can understand why an observer might that your views change merely to keep you in line with Labour policy (such as it is).

    Exactly what Labour's policy is depends upon which faction of the party is speaking. I am pleased that you have abandoned the 'watching the opinion polls waiting to strike' nonsense and can see that the debate is being driven by the members in a vacuum created by the absence of leadership.

    For the reasons set out earlier, I don't think you need worry about an early General Election.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    You are regurgitating the arguments advanced by the likes of Farage and Johnson and in doing so are missing the point. The EU countries that currently export to the UK have a ready made alternative market by virtue of being part of a huge trading bloc. We won't.

    In addition, we can't feed ourselves as a country. We need to import food. The EU won't need to import cars from the UK as they have their own producers.

    It's the poor who will get hit. Food is not an optional purchase. And they may well no longer be able to afford their seven day escapes to Benidorm and Magaluf.

    This from the master regurgitator extraordinaire
    Personally I prefer the term recycle
    Benidorm & Magaluf
    How bloody condescending you pompous arsehole {no I withdraw that an arsehole is useful]
    They'll just have to manage with trips to French ski resorts as an alternative
    You've had your working class background beaten out of you by your current environment
    Don't forget to log out now you never know who's watching
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 26-09-2018 at 08:26 AM.

  9. #169
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Exiletyke View Post
    This from the master regurgitator extraordinaire
    Benidorm & Magaluf
    How bloody condescending you pompous arsehole {no I withdraw that an arsehole is useful]
    You've had your working class background beaten out of you by your current environment
    They'll just have to manage with trips to French ski resorts as an alternative
    Where have I regurgitated?

    I get that you don't like me very much - I'll live - but the fact remains that you are ignoring the likely disproportionate impact of Brexit upon the less well off.

  10. #170
    Join Date
    May 2012
    You are mistaken Kerr

    I don't like you at all

    With regard to the impact on the less well off, there's bugger all that you or I can do about it & that's the truth of the matter
    Last edited by Exiletyke; 26-09-2018 at 08:35 AM.

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