Herbie Kane , Jordan Williams , Devante Cole and Nicky Cadden will all have only 6 months left on their deals when the window opens on January 1st and this is the club's last opportunity to get a fee for them before they leave for nowt at the end of the season .

I don't envisage any of them signing new deals to be honest and I'd be looking to get them out next month whilst we can .

I think it would benefit Shepherd and Lopata to go out on loan for the second half of the season and you can add McCarthy to that list too .

If we can get Styles out of the club and put this thing to bed for good then that would be for the benefit of everyone .

Given the above and with the addition of a Director Of Football we can then start the process of rebuilding the squad and in a manner in which Collins wants to play .

If the work hasn't already begun behind the scenes at Oakwell then it should have done weeks ago .

Personally I'm giving Collins two transfer windows with a Director Of Football at the helm and the opportunity to rebuild the squad and see where we are with regard to progression and see if a championship ready squad can be assembled in that time .